Truce ?

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Sapphire's POV:

I watched as Bash collided to the cold ground, I ran to him and pulled him in my arms, he cant die, I will not let him die.

"SEBASTIAN HEARTLY OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES NOW, YOU CAN'T DIE, please open your eyes Bash" and i broke down, tears streaming down my face. I can't loose him too

Jade was crying as she stood next to me.

"We have to get him out of here now or else he will not survive" papa said, and we nooded.

We got him in the car and drove to the hospital. He was loosing blood, like a waterfall. I can't see him in this state,I can't see him in pain.

Jade's POV:

"This is all my fault I should not have dragged Bash into a this" I cried as I held Bash close to me. He was unconscious and bleeding like hell. If he wasn't given the best care immediately he would die and I will never be able to forgive myself.

"Shh Jade everything will be alright" Aria said. I was crying my eyes out but Sapphire here eyes were red and puffy already,  her face was pale and she was holding Bash with me. He is the only family she has and she can't loose him. I will not let that happen.

We entered the hospital and he was taken into the ER. I was going in but they did not let me in, Sapphire was there with him which made me feel relieved. I took papa to the doctor to get his wounds cleaned and get him a check up. That bastard had starved him and hit him breaking his 2 ribs. He had a lot of blood loss but the doctors said that he will be fine soon.

Sapphire's POV:

I was crying and crying I cant fucking stop. "What if he dies, what if they can't save him, what if ?"

"Shut the fuck up Sapphire, he is going to be alright, the doctors are taking good care of him. " Aria said

" He will be alright he has to, the doctors better save him or else I will pierce bullets through their heads"

That was when teh doctor came upto us.

"Ms Heartly ?"


"Your brother had lost a lot if blood during the encounter and hence we have to transfuse blood but the hospital is running out of his blood type"

"What the hell do you mean running out of his blood type, you have to save him no matter what"

"That is what I am coming to, we need to know your blood type so if it matches you can maybe donate some blood to him"

"Fine but save him"

We went in the lab where teh took my blood samples and did the match and lyckyly it matched. I immediately donated my blood for Bash.

"Now that we have the blood everything will be alright"

It better be or else you will have bullets in your thick skull.

He went back to the operation theater and I sat there chewing my nails.

*3 hours later*

"The operation went successful and Mr Heartly is out of danger, he is in Room 237, you can go see him now"

"Thank you doctor"

I sprang off my chair and headed to his room with Jade, Aria and Papa. I ran in his room and hugged him tightly.

"Don't dare you pull such a stunt again"

"I'm fine now sis"

"Thank you son, you saved my life I am indebted to you for that"

"There is no need to thank me sir but there is something I would like to talk to you about"

"Go on"

"Me and Sapphire are from the family of Heartly's "

"This has to be a joke"

"He is not lying papa"

"Saphy why did you never tell me?"

"I am sorry papa I love you too much I did not wish to loose you just because our clans are fighting, you probably hate me don't you ?" to my surprise he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I love so much Saphy you could never loose me you are like my second daughter and Sebastian saved me by risking his life how could I hate you princess "

"So should I consider this as a truce" Bash said

"It sure is a truce" Papa said. Finally the rivalry of decades is over.

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