♡ 13 ♡ ‹‹ stunning ››

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   I woke up in a cold sweat, my hair plastered to my forehead. I was breathing heavily as I sat up, remembering everything that happened last night. The sofa, the bedroom, and Dream. I gasped when it played back in my mind.

   I love you, George.

   Did he really say that?! Did he really mean it? If he did, then it just going to make things harder for me to tell him that I didn't love him back. But I felt honoured to be loved by Dream. I didn't understand why he felt that way, I was just a normal person. There was nothing special about me. This whole ordeal was just confusing, frustrating, and unnecessary.

   However I still felt a slight tug in my heartstrings. From what, I wasn't sure, but I still felt it. The more I acknowledged it, the more it tingled.

   I took a deep breath and got dressed quickly. In my mind, I wanted to avoid Dream as much as I could, but that wasn't possible. He was staying in my apartment, in a city he didn't know. Wherever I went, he had to come too.

   I stepped down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen, to see Dream, with glasses?! My muscles seized up right then and there, and I felt my heart rate rise.

   'Dream, why are you wearing glasses?' I asked in the calmest voice I could muster.

   'I'm out of contacts,' he answered, still avoiding my eye contact, his vision glued to his phone.

   'But you never told me you wore glasses. Or your viewers.'

   'That's because I don't, usually. I just had to 'cause it's not easy to read without them.'

   'But why do you need glasses?'

   He finally looked up from his mobile, and put it in his pocket. He raised an eyebrow. 'I play video games for a living, don't you think that would take a toll on my eyesight?'

   I shrugged, my eyes focusing on the mug by the sink. He had made himself hot-chocolate, I thought to myself, smiling. I looked back to where Dream was sitting, but he wasn't sitting there anymore. He was right up in front of my face.

   My stomach flipped, as my eyes darted over his features, which looked even more stunning with his roundish, black framed glasses. My lips parted slightly, and I shook the feeling away, but wow.

   I took a step back cautiously, and Dream smirked for some reason.

   'You look good with glasses,' I blurted out, immediately covering my mouth with my hands in embarrassment. It was Dream's turn to look flustered. His cheeks reddened and he smiled bashfully.

   'You should wear them more often,' I finished, longing to see that flustered look appear on his face again. Dream chuckled.

   'Okay, if that pleases you.'

   I walked over to the toaster and popped two bread inside. I got the butter out the fridge to have it handy when the toast was ready. While I was waiting, I took a chance to take another good look at Dream with glasses with perspective.

   He looked so comfortable slumped over the dining table I never used, his head resting in his hand, his glasses slightly skewwhiff. My toast popped and I buttered it, putting the butter away again. I went to the dining table, putting my plate down.

♡ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 ♡ 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 ♡Where stories live. Discover now