(31) Jump

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Thanks for those who have stuck by my story. Sorry for the long waits but I have twins and finding time to write these days is next to impossible! Not to mention it's hard to finish a story you started writing at 15. 🤧 Here you are loves! I wrote this on my phone sorry if the spacing is weird.


I startled awake to an unknown phone call. I answered it in a dazed state of confusion. "Is this Tori?" I sat up feeling every bit of soreness the couch left me. "Yes?" The woman on the other end cleared her throat and I heard her rustling papers. "This is Dr. Durham I am calling to update you on the condition of Kato." My stomach dipped and I prayed for the first time in a very long time that he was still alive.

"His surgery was successful and he did well through the night. He's remained stable thus far. However; it is unfortunate that I must inform you during the surgery complications arose and I made a decision in his best interest. I found it necessary I amputate the wounded leg seeing as he'd lost too much tissue and motor control to salvage it. Dogs usually bounce back just fine so I to assure you his amputation won't hinder much of his abilities. I would like to monitor him for a couple more nights before you come pick him up. Then we will discuss more of his recovery and the healing process. Doggy physical therapy comes much more natural." I gulped and a sigh of relief hit me like a truck. The tears slipped from my eyes before I could hold them back. As heartbreaking as the news she'd relayed, he was alive. And for that I was grateful. I was counting my blessings that we all had survived this insane night. This ambush that we hadn't seen coming.

"Thank you so much." I breathed hardly able to concentrate as she told me of a few more things and we discussed a time she would call me again. I looked over seeing Rayner was awake now and had been listening in.

"Tori?" His voice was groggy. "Come here." He whispered in the dimly lit room. I carefully sat beside him on the bed careful of the wires. "You okay? Who was that?" His voice was scratchy and deep with sleep. "The vet, she says Kato should be okay. He was shot just like you." I sniffed, "They had to take his leg." Rayner looked down almost as if to make sure his leg was still there. "Don't worry yours is still attached." I smiled cupping his stubbly cheek. "Thank you." I whispered hoping he knew how grateful I was for him. I looked out the window seeing the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon and I realized how early it was.

"You should rest." I told him. He nodded laying back looking gray as his body replenished the blood he'd lost. The hollows of his eyes were darkened, but Rayner was slowly coming back to life. "Beck came by about an hour ago while you were asleep. He is pissed as usual but he said all our guys are alive even the patrol officer. He was hurt pretty bad but he's okay. He also said they have Riley in custody but he's refusing to talk to anyone." I felt relieved by his words. And a lot of the stress I previously was feeling was eased within me. "Once they let me out of here we are gonna go stay at my place okay?" I nodded knowing my apartment was probably an absolute wreck.

"What about Jackson? What's going on with that?" He looked angry. "I don't know much about that yet. He's being questioned he's in trouble Tori, he has been uncooperative until now so I can't say what's going to happen." This unnerved me but I didn't want to poke that bear knowing the topic of Jackson was still a fresh wound and he did not need anything more to stress over right now. "I'm gonna send someone over to get you after awhile so you can get some stuff over to my place." I opened my mouth to protest wanting to stay with him in the hospital.

"I'm not going anywhere." He read my mind reaching up pushing some hair over my shoulder.  "I'll be here. You go, get a shower, relax a bit and I'll be here when you come back." He grinned winking then wincing slightly when he reopened a scrape by his eye. I frowned hating the idea but I knew he himself was totally exhausted and I would oblige just this once.

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