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"Sabrina, once you go to Hell, you can tell Lilith to join us on the Eve of Yule fire."
Zelda Spellman shouts from the kitchen.
"Understood Aunt Z, I will certainly make her join!"
And at that moment Sabrina disappears into the flames of Hell and Zelda pours herself a fifth glass of whiskey.

"Zelds is still early, the alcohol has almost caught you, leave the bottle and go outside to fresh yourself before Lilith comes with Sabrina."
"I'm fine Hilda don't worry, but if you insist I'll go for a walk along the river next to us ..."
Zelda answers nervously and leaves the kitchen with a bang that makes Hilda jump.

Zelda sits quietly on a stump near the river, wondering what would have happened if she had still been under the Caligari Spell that Blackwood had cast on her during their honeymoon.
At the head of the Covrn now is she and also the High Priestess of  the Church of Lilith, and the rumors circulating among the other witches and warlocks are somehow disturbing for her.

"Faustus Blackwood is free again!"
It would be difficult for anyone to get out of Badibat's nightmares alone, but with the help of someone like Lucifer, it would be as easy as taking a lollipop from a baby.

"I have to come up with a plan to protect this clan, I have to tell Lilith about what's going on ..." She says and imperceptibly finds herself in Hell through astral projection.

"Please Lilith come to us for Christmas, leave the throne for a while and come join our family for at least one night!"
Sabrina's voice has been heard since the beginning of the throne room.

"Zelda wouldn't let Sabrina do it, after all I've done to you." The Mother of the Demons answers anxiously.

"I told Sabrina to invite you, my Queen!" Zelda's voice is heard behind them.
"I would love for you to join our family for at least one night and know that you will always have our support in anything." The redhead continues to speak, slowly approaching the demoness.

"Auntie Z, how did you get through the demons at the gates?" Sabrina asks in surprise.
"I'm not really here, my body is still in the woods by the river, we need to discuss some things Lilith so think about joining us tonight. Dinner is at 19:00 ." And so Zelda returns. back to her body.

Zelda walks back to the house, but as she walks she feels bad energy and evil eyes watching on her.
"Go forward Zelda and don't stop, just go forward ..."
Silently she says to herself.

"Scammer!" "Whore!"
"Nothingness!" "Simple Garbage!" "Selfish witch!"

A voice familiar to Zelda keeps repeating the same words.
Anxious, Zelda starts to run away and pray to Lilith for protection.

Suddenly a dark shadow approaches her and pushes her with great force.
Zelda falls to the ground and hits her head.
Her vision becomes blurred and near her she hears Blackwood laughing.

"Hello again Zelda!" He says in a deep voice.
Fire appears out of nowhere and sends Faustus away from the redheaded witch.
"Zelda ..." A familiar female voice is heard next to her, but Zelda loses consciousness shortly before she sees who she is.

Lilith heard Zelda's prayers and also felt her pain, which is why she responded to her call for help just in time.

"What in Heaven happened? ZELDA ...!" Hilda's reaction as Lilith teleports them into the house worries even the demoness, but she quickly gathers her thoughts.

"Faustus is free and you didn't tell me, imagine what could have happened if I hadn't arrived at Zelda on time !?" Slightly angry, Lilith begins to walk around Zelda's body and play with her fingers.

"What?" Ambrose shouts from the stairs.
"How do you mean liberated?" Hilda asks the same awkward question in surprise.

"And I don't know anything, I just understand. However, when Faustus is free, it means that Lucifer somehow escaped from the witch's dungeon and helped him escape from Badibat's nightmares!"

At this point, Zelda wakes up and slowly begins to stand up, holding her head.
"Zelds? Did you know that Faustus was free? Hilda knelt beside her sister and asked her the question.

"Yes, I knew, but ..."
"But what, Zelda, you had to tell me what if something went wrong in Hell and it will be all your fault!" Lilith interrupts her and her words come out of her mouth like poison.

"I ... I ... I'm really sorry!" Zelda's eyes begin to fill with tears and she quietly begins to sniff , no matter how much she does not like to show weakness in front of her family and especially their queen.

"No, no, no Zelda, I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way, the words just came out of my mouth and I couldn't stop ..." Lilith sat down next to Zelda and took both of her hands in hers.

"You're right, Lilith, it would be my fault, I threatened the whole Coven, I threatened you, what if something was really wrong?"
“Hilda, Ambrose, would you leave us for a moment!” Lilith looks at Hilda who just nods and she and Ambrose  are leaving, closing the door behind them.

"Lilith, look, I thought I'd let you know tonight, but things went wrong!"
"Shhh come here, lean on me and tell me every detail you know." Lilith calmly tells to the redheaded, after which the two witches lock their eyes together for a moment.

"Zelds, you are the beginning of the Church of Lilith, Directrix of the Academy of Unseen Arts, but most of all my High Priestess, did you really think you could handle Lucifer and Faustus alone? That I would leave you alone in this situation?" " Lilith looks anxiously at Zelda's emerald eyes again, sighing heavily.

"I'm calmer when you already know Lily!" Zelda says, sighing heavily as well.
"I'll be calm when it's all over once and for all!" Lilith answers, leaning her head back.

"Okay then, but Faustus left to me, I have to deal with the trauma he inflicted on me in those terrible months!" Zelda says with mixed feelings between pain and anger.

"Of course, my Priestess, but know that if you need help, you can always find it on my side!" Lilith says and kisses Zelda on the forehead.

"Thank you so much for what you do for me and my family!"
"It is my pleasure and I have already caused you a lot of suffering, at least now let me help as much as I can!" Lilith says and stands up, but her gaze never leaves Zelda.

"I'll see you at dinner Zelda!"
"Until dinner then Lilith and Marry Saustice!"
"Marry Saustice to you too Zelds!" And so Lilith disappears in flames back to Hell.

Heyyy I'm sorry I'm not posting but it takes me time to translate the story and again write it.. I know that's a stupid excuse but I will do my best to post more this week so I guess there will be more chapters in the book! 😌❤️

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