Chapter six- tell me true

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Kelsey's POV

The weekend passed quickly since we didn't take our trip to the beach. Instead we stayed at the pack house per usual. The only difference was that Killian isolated himself in his room with Charlie. The only one he allowed to enter was my mate, John. I could see his inner turmoil in his eyes when he returned after his first shift. I had no idea what happened but I wanted to help him. However, each time I attempted to talk to him, he just shut me out. When I asked what was wrong, he claimed nothing was wrong. By the time Monday arrived, I was a big ball of angered wolf. John refused to tell me what was going on with Killian. Which only served to piss me off more.

The others had already left for school by the time Killian and I were ready to leave. I asked for a ride and he only nodded before he led me to his monstrous truck. It took me a couple of minutes to climb into the huge vehicle. Thoughts of how he managed to climb into it so easily for years made my anger spike as I buckled in. He didn't seem to have noticed my sour mood as he started the truck and shifted into drive.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on with you?" I asked, even I could hear the bite in my voice. I saw him flinch at the tone of my voice before he sighed. I dropped my eyes to my clasped hands. I didn't want him to fear me in any way.

"Why won't you drop it?" he asked so quietly that if I was human, I would have missed it. It was my turn to sigh as I thought over his question. The truck hit the main road as I looked back at him.

" Because you are my best friend and I am worried about you." I answered simply. There was, of course, more to it than that. However, it was all that mattered. My friend was in obvious pain and I wanted to help.

"I know that you are worried but I made it as obvious as possible that I didn't want to talk about it. That was why John was the only one allowed in my room. He brought me food with no questions asked. Sometimes that is all I need, someone to take a step back and just be there." he answered and I understood what he meant. However, it was not just me that was worried. It was Carson, my parents, and the rest of the group. Even John, though he never asked Killian what was bothering him.

"Trying to say you replaced me with my mate?" I asked in a lighter tone. He obviously hadn't expected me to make a joke as he raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk on his lips. I laughed lightly as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I know that you might need space but you have people that care about you, that need to know that you are alright, and are here to help. I am but one of the many people that are worried about you." I added before he could speak and he nodded silently. The wheels inside his mind turned as we rode in silence. I turned my attention to my window just in time to see a brown wolf race past us in the woods.

"I am sure you heard from John what happened with Lucious. However, he also cornered me at lunch and acted like an asshat. Not to mention, the day after I shifted, I found out that my parents have been alive this entire time. I woke up and headed toward town and my father was there in wolf form. I recognized him the moment he shifted into his human. He claimed that they had to fake their death because of our blood line and to protect me. He told me that if I wanted them back in my life, then all I had to do was meet them in a few days." he explained out of nowhere. My jaw dropped and my eyes shot over to him. The grip he had the steering wheel was so tight that his knuckles were white.

"Jesus fuck, that is a lot for you to take in." I responded after a few minutes. I wanted to hug him but doing so while he was driving seemed like a bad idea.

"No shit, Sherlock..." he mumbled and if it weren't for my wolf hearing I would've missed it.

By then, we had reached school and Killian parked in the spot farthest from the front of the school. I internally groaned, not remotely inclined to be anything other than lazy. Once we were both out of the ginormous truck, an idea hit me full force. An evil smile crept onto my face as the two of us met at the back of his truck. He saw it and shook his head as I walked past him. As though he read my thoughts, he bent his knees as I hopped onto his back. He groaned as though I was too heavy and I smacked his shoulder. The idiot had the audacity to laugh as he stumbled toward the school. Neither of us said a word about what he was going through as we met our mates in front of the school. John took me from my best friends back and he sighed in faux relief. I slapped his shoulder again and this time he winced. A proud smile sprouted on my lips as John pulled me away from him and Carson. Killian had a smirk on his lips as he dropped his hand from his completely uninjured shoulder. I gasped but allowed my mate to drag me off.

Killian's POV~

"You told her." Carson stated as he looked up at me. He had a soft smile on his lips as his thin arm wrapped around my waist.

"It kinda spilled out while we were in the car." I Conceded as I rested my arm over his shoulder. I led him toward his locker and ignored the various looks we got. Carson seemed to do the same as he snuggled further into my side and I couldn't help but smile. I always knew that Carson was one of the best people in this world. I always thought he was as straight as a pole and never let my mind think of him as anything other than a friend, a brother at most. However, now that I have him in my arms, I doubt that I could ever let him go.

"Want to go out for lunch? There is a Burger place a couple blocks over." Carson asked, knocking me from my thoughts. I looked down to meet his expectant gaze and nodded with a small smile on my lips.

"Of course, I could use something greasy." I mused as we reached his locker. I broke free of my hold of him gently and smiled up at me. A thought crossed my mind as he turned to his locker. My hand flew out and grasped his shoulder before he could get too far.

"Something wrong?" he asked and I shook my head with a smile. I had waited far to long to ask him and it was time to step up.

"Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to ask you something. I wanted to see if you wanted to go on an actual date this weekend. I still have to think of something to do but, if nothing else, we could spend some time together. Just you and me, that is." I spoke hopefully and he looked shocked before he jumped at me. He pulled me into a hug as a beaming smile broke out across his lips. His eyes glowed a soft red, showing the presence of Dalan.

"Of course I will go out with you. I am already your boyfriend after all." he said with a soft smirk. I rolled my eyes but beamed at him before I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I'm glad, I will see you at lunch." I murmured and headed off toward my locker once he released me. I had a smile on my lips for most of the day. That is until the end of the day came and I noticed an ill looking Lucious by my truck.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked closer. His red rimmed eyes shot over to me and I gasped at how pale he looked.

"I was waiting for you. I didn't think you would want to speak with me in school so I kept my distance." he responded as he lowered his eyes and I almost gasped again. Wolves never lowered their gaze as it was a submissive gesture of respect. It was very rare among mates because it was usually reserved for the Alpha. To have his mate give him this respect humbled me to no end. Selene was beyond pleased and Amelia hopped around in our mind excitedly.

"What is wrong with you? You look like you're dying..." I asked carefully and with the most sincere voice I possessed. I did care about him, even if he acted like an idiot.

"My wolf thinks you rejected him because we didn't recognize. I realize it was my fault and that I should have recognized you. Just, please don't reject us... I don't think we could survive that. Especially after everything we went through just to find you." he answered and my heart sank. He was going through rejection even though I never rejected him. My eyes teared up as I looked him over. He looked weak, pale, and a bit sweaty.

"I wasn't going to reject you. I just wanted an honest apology from you." I answered and he looked into my eyes. I gave a small smile and nod to show I was serious about not rejecting him. He took a deep breath before he stumbled over to me. He pulled me into an awkward hug as I basically had to hold him up. 

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