Trouble in Paradise

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"No offense honey, but you might as well quit while you're ahead." Some tall, spray tanned blonde waits for the drink she just ordered.

"I tried for like monthsss." She drags out the word for emphasis. "This one-" She points to Stiles, who sits beside me at the bar. "Seriously hung up on his ex." She receives her drink and takes it upon herself to sit and join us.

Stiles takes a long drink of his beer, looking at me over the brim of the mug.

"Really?" I prompt, exaggerating interest.

"Yes, girl." She consumes her beverage in a few gulps, slamming it down and sliding it across the bar for a refill.

"I worked here with him for an entire year, bought all new push-up bras and only wore low cut tanks, flirted my ass off, right?" She counts her efforts on her fingers.

"And he never gave me the time of day." She shakes her head at Stiles, who has draped his arm over the back of my chair.

"One night I even stayed late with him, and we got DRUNK." She finishes her second glass, requesting a third.

"Once he was wasted all he could talk about was this Violet chick, like she was a freaking goddess or something. He wouldn't even tell me what happened between them, not one for opening up this one." She points at him with the straw from her new drink.

Stiles and I share an amused look, and I wiggle my brows at him before turning back to my new, pink leather wearing friend.

"Yeah, he's pretty mysterious this one." I mock her repeated phrasing, earning a low sound of amusement from Stiles.

"Had to have been a bad boy in highschool." I toy with her, Stiles shaking his head with a smile.

"Oh for sure." The now tipsy girl agrees, swallowing the last of her mixed drink.

"Well, time to go mingle. Maybe pick up a mystery man of my own tonight." She pushes her breasts up in her skin tight top so her cleavage spills over before standing.

"Nice chatting with you girlie, Stiles." She smiles at him and he nods, disinterested.

"I'm Candy by the way." She offers her hand, decorated with several thin gold rings and french tipped nails.

"Violet." I take her hand and shake it once, smirking at her shocked expression.

She gives an uncomfortable laugh before heading further into the building with another drink.

"She was nice." I turn to Stiles who laughs at me before placing a finger under my chin, pulling me into a kiss.

"Told you there were offers." He teases me. "I'm pretty irresistible actually."

I roll my eyes and push him back in his seat, him displaying that gorgeous smile.

"Well Mr. Irresistible." I sip from my frozen daiquiri.

"There's simply no way you resisted temptation for five whole years." I turn to him with a soft smile and curious eyes.

"You don't believe me." His face falls as he leans in close to me, moving the arm that isn't on my chair to my thigh.

"I don't know." I shrug like its not really bothering me, even though it has been on my mind.

"Vi," He makes that adorable concerned face where he scrunches his brows together and his eyes sparkle like the most precious puppy.

"Just forget it." I immediately regret bringing it up, I don't want him to think I don't trust him. "It's not a big deal, it's fine. I'm fine."

"You still do that thing." His plush lips curve up at the corners.

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