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"Tell us a story about daddy, like you used to." Miles requests as I get them to bed, Stiles at work unusually late tonight.

Until today I would not think anything of it. But after seeing his ex girlfriend, that I knew nothing about, looking for him at his old place I'm certainly  suspicious.

"Haven't you heard them all by now?" I snip, sounding harsher than I meant to.

Miles and Maggie share a look at my unwarranted aggression.

I take a deep breath, crawling in between them.

"I just mean, he's here now, so maybe let's tell some different stories."

"Okay, tell some about Scott!" Maggie nuzzles in close, ready to hear about her newest infatuation.

"Okay." I laugh, she's so cute with her school girl crush.

"Well uncle Scott did not care for me at first." I inform them and Maggie gasps, extremely invested in all things Scott.

"Why not? I thought he was your friend?" Miles asks.

"He is." I clarify. "One of the greatest guys around, besides your father of course." I say it without thinking, momentarily forgetting his latest indiscretion.

My smile falls at the thought of that gorgeous girl in front of the bar, looking for Stiles.

"So why didn't he like you mom?" Maggie prompts, as I've taken too long of a pause.

"Oh, uh, because-" I clear my throat. "I had your dad under my spell!" I exaggerate my words, widening my eyes and wiggling my fingers for a spooky effect.

I bring them down to tickle them both and they giggle, wiggling around at my sides.

"A tickle party without me?!" Stiles stands in the doorway, pulling off his jacket.

It's like the fun mood is sucked out of my body, I cease playing with the kids and give him a dirty look.

He tilts his head, scrunching his face in confusion.

"Mom was just telling us more about your bestfriend." Maggie shrugs a shoulder, downplaying her eagerness to hear more about Scott.

"Well, let me tell you about Scott McCall. Stiles starts, stepping into the room. "Distraction!" He yells, abruptly tossing his jacket at us before jumping on the bed.

The kids giggle wildly as Stiles resumes the tickling I'd stopped. He's sprawled across my lap, attacking them both until they run out of breath.

"Alright crazies." He squeezes in beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as the kids cuddle in close to us.

I want to recoil at his touch as I am feeling betrayed and angry with him, but I don't want to worry the kids so I just stay still.

Usually I'd snuggle into him but I sit up straighter, rubbing Maggie's back and holding Miles' hand across Stiles lap.

Stiles is too in tune with me not to notice my coldness towards him and he gives me another curious look before leaning in to whisper to me.

"Is everything okay?" He gives me those adorable puppy dog eyes, the amber hue doused in concern for me.

I don't say anything, just give an unenthused nod before clearing my throat and starting another story for the kids.


I walk into our room after my shower, hair and body wrapped in a towel.

Stiles sits on our bed, bouncing his leg and nibbling his thumb nail clearly deep in thought.

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