William x Clara

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This is before they died and a bit after they got married hdkshjd bYe


Williams p.o.v (point of view)

Man, work sure is hard. Then again, I get enough money to live. Mine and Henry's diner is getting a lot more popular, we get about 20-40 visitors a day. Probably not much, but to us it is. All I'm looking forward to is coming home to my w a i f u. And my toast. Can't forget the toast. I'm walking home, and the sky is starting to turn dark blue. I checked my wristwatch.. Shit, I'm 20 minutes late. I hope she isn't worried.

Claras p.o.v

Will's only 20 minutes late, he might just be walking home. But our house isn't that far away.. No, we just got married. He couldn't be.. Snap out of it, Clara, he's not anywhere else.
Knock knock!
See! There he is. I opened the door to see him smiling down at me. That made me feel so short.
"I see you didn't take your car keys?" I smirked and stepped away to let him enter. He did so, and laughed a bit.
"Yep. I was in a bit of a rush, heh." He closed the door behind him, and went to the sink to wash his hands (shut up). I walked over the the cupboard and took out one of the many loafs of bread. Any moment now, he would ask me kindly for some toast. 3..2..1..
"Hun, could you make me some toast?" He asked. Knew it. I popped two slices of bread into our white toaster and turned it on. I looked up at the clock. 12:24pm. It was quite late, and I was getting tired. I had been waiting for him to come home, so I could present to him a lovely little cake I made. I took the box from the freezer and placed it down on the counter, taking off the lid. He was patienly waiting for the toast to hop out of the toaster. I gently tapped him on the shoulder and showed the box, which had a vanilla cake drizzled in strawberry frosting and chocolate sprinkles carefully placed inside.
"That looks appetising. Is it for me~?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.
"It's for both of us, silly!" I slided the box back into the fridge. He pouted and laughed, and I joined.
i don't know what a oneshot is but im gonna just say this is a oneshot goodbye

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