Zombie Tea-Party

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Jessie sat on a bench in Central Park with Zuri drawing with chalk in front of her

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Jessie sat on a bench in Central Park with Zuri drawing with chalk in front of her.

"Hey,I'm drawing here." Zuri scolded a man who walked on her drawing.

Jessie sat down her magazine and got up, bending down a bit to see the girls drawing," Zuri, that is a beautiful lion."

Zuri just stared at her.


More staring.

"Sasquatch?" She just got another look in disbelief," Tell me if I'm getting warmer."

"It's you," They both looked at the drawing,"See this is your hair."

"Oh," The nanny nodded,"Last time I go to Quickie Cuts."

"Yeah," Zuri agreed,"Just because you get a coupon, doesn't mean you should use it." She looked back to her drawing,"I wish Lily was here to draw with me."

"Don't worry sweetie, she is just a little sick but she'll get better soon." Jessie soothed.

Luke stood by the climbing wall when another, slightly chubby, boy jumped down beside him,"Up and back in twenty-two seconds," He tossed his helmet aside,"Beat that Puke."

"The names Luke," The eleven year old corrected,"Although the view of your butt did make me wanna puke."

The boy looked offended.

"Now, watch and learn, I'm gonna climb this wall faster than a spider monkey on a sugar high." He began to climb the wall but stopped when he heard Jessie calling out to him.

"Uh,Luke," She ran over, Zuri's helmet in her hands,"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh,yeah," Luke got down,"Trevor, let's put some money on this."They began digging in their pockets.

Jessie stopped him again,"No,no,no,no I didn't mean gambling," She began putting the helmet on him,"I was talking about a helmet."

It was his turn to stop her,"Jessie,I can't wear this."

"Don't worry, I can fix the strap." She started to but got her hands pushed away.

"No, I mean it's got a princess on it." Luke whispered the last part.

Trevor leaned in,"It's got a princess under it too."

The red head just ignored him,"Look, I am sorry but safety comes first,"She pulled sunscreen out of her back pocket and squeezed some in her hand before putting it back,"And,hey,I think you're getting a little sun burned, so let me just."She began rubbing sunscreen on his face.

"No,I'm not,"Luke pushed her hands away again and wiped the sunscreen off,"I'm fine and I'm going up,Trevor start timing me."

Luke began to climb the wall,"Whoa, sunscreen, this is slippery," His hands slid off the rock,"Whoa,falling!" He started to fall but Jessie caught him.

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