Zuri's New Old Friend

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Jessie was sitting on the couch, reading a book titled 'Everything You're Doing Wrong', with Emma sitting beside her, texting on her phone

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Jessie was sitting on the couch, reading a book titled 'Everything You're Doing Wrong', with Emma sitting beside her, texting on her phone.

"Whoa," Jessie breathed,"This is scary."

Emma sat up straight and read the title of the book out loud,"Aw, Jessie, you're reading a book about how to accessorize."

The red head just gave the thirteen year old a look,which the girl ignored,"Good for you, admitting you're doing something wrong is the first step."

"Watch it, or my second step is gonna be nailing your bedroom door shut," The nanny warned,"No, this is a child care book."

"I hope there's a chapter on inappropriate anger."

"I'm sorry, but I'm worried about Zuri, according to this book she should have out grown her imaginary friends by now." Jessie frowned, worried.

"Well, I haven't noticed her talking to Millie the mermaid lately." Emma told her, trying to cheer her up.

Zuri skipped into the room,"Millie, swim out, swim out, where ever you are." She sang out.

Emma turned back to Jessie,"Then again, I also didn't notice when she wore a Halloween costume till March."

"I have a little problem here." Bertram interrupted, trying to pull away from Mr.Kipling, who was holding onto his leg.

"I'll say," Emma agreed as Jessie stood beside her, grinning,"Lizard anklets are so last season."

"He's been so clingy lately, like my mother," Bertram sighed,"But without the mustache and bingo addiction."

Jessie sat on a bench with Emma at Central Park, the other kids around them.

"Thank you for letting me bring Mr.Kipling on our outing,Jessie," Ravi smiled, holding Mr.Kipling on a leash,"He has been very lonely lately."

"Probably because Bertram's leg broke up with him." Jessie stated.

Lily nodded,"First break-ups are always hard...at least that is what I have seen on TV...and with Jessie." She mumbled the last part to herself and Mr.Kipling growled, as if agreeing with the girl.

Ravi nodded as well before he continued," He sighs all the time and he just pushes his food around the dish, also he insists I read him nothing but paranormal team romance."

"I know I saw drool on my Twilight books, I just thought it was mine," She ignored the look she got from her younger sister, and Emma"I am definitely team Jacob."

"I agree with the third book," Lily noticed the confused looks she got from Ravi and Emma," Team Switzerland." They oh'd and nodded.

"Hey Lils," Luke turned to her,"What can I do to get you on team Luke?"

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