119. Without You

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*klaxon sounds*

Hello and welcome to SSD part V!!! Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I hope you're getting excited, 'cause I am!

As a general reminder, I have nobody who betas/checks over my work other than myself. Therefore, if you see a grammar/spelling/punctuation mistake or find a sentence that's just so weird and makes no damn sense, please tell me, because I can usually fix it fairly easily.

Thank you so much for being here and I hope you enjoy!

She was having a quiet day. Partially because it was the holidays and she had nothing to do as her siblings entertained themselves— one with a watercolour painting, the other with the TV— and partially because being a fully-functional human being felt like a bit much today. She'd had a difficult few weeks, and she wasn't the only one.

Class started back in a few days and Aizawa was looking through a few teaching plans at the dining table. Eri was doing her painting on his left, and Silver was on his right with her chin pressed up against the soft black material covering her arms all the way to her knuckles. Hizashi was out at the radio station, Aizawa had earplugs in so he could listen to his husband live. It was peaceful, soothing.

With little else to do, Silver watched Aizawa work and he didn't mind. As long as she was ok, he didn't mind how she passed the time, even if some would find the audience disconcerting. His elbow twitched for the third time in the last twenty minutes.

He'd been working on these for hours, writing them out, reading them through, making corrections here and there. He'd have to hand them in to Nezu soon so the principal could give them the green light, but he had a few days before the deadline for that so he didn't need to be forcing himself to work for hours straight like this, not when he knew how much it hurt his elbow when he did this for so long.

He rolled his shoulders, stretching his arms out and wincing at the ungrateful twinge in his right arm. He really had been working for too long. He'd still be feeling this tomorrow at this rate.

The weather was warming these days, warm enough that Aizawa no longer felt like he had to be wrapped in at least one fluffy blanket to remain at a decent temperature whenever he was still or constantly be in long sleeves. He blinked up to find Silver's eyes fixed on the rough tissue around his elbow, darker than the rest of his skin. It was one of a few scars he'd gained in the USJ incident during his current class' first year, first few weeks in fact. He'd never seen what scars left by disintegration looked like before he'd found himself with his own.

Silver kept staring, thoughts churning behind her eyes, just out of his reach. He settled his arm against the table and her eyes followed.

Another twinge had him grimacing. He wasn't even doing anything to make it hurt anymore. He must really have lost track of time for the old injury to be this irritated.

Her mouth moved, but with his earplugs in, he couldn't hear her quiet voice. He pulled them out and hummed, blinking a few times as he realised he'd been staring at something inches in front of his face for far too long.

"I almost never met you," she repeated.

He glanced down at the scar himself and shrugged. The USJ incident had been bad. He'd run headfirst into a fight he knew he wasn't going to win. He'd been brutally outnumbered. Even so, he'd actually been doing fairly well, the villains he was facing were more small fry than he'd expected, but then the real villains stepped in. There were moments when he'd truly believed he wasn't going to make it out alive, moments when he'd feared his young students wouldn't either. Despite the odds, every single one of them had made it. He wasn't sure how much Silver knew about the incident, but apparently she knew how close it'd been.

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