Chapter 4

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In the end, with Sasori's insistence, everyone decided it would be best to just go back. Hidan, as always, complained all the way back. 

Sasori POV

"But does it hurt when y/n moves with them?"  Tobi asked, for the hundredth time. He's been asking dumb questions to y/n ever since they left the village, it's infuriating. "Not at all"  And yet, she always answers him calmly, such a peaceful voice. I hate it, it makes me feel so safe, she shouldn't have to waste her time with useless things such as Tobi.

"Why can't y/n just control puppets to fight for her?""It's just not the way I was taught". "But who-". "We have arrived". She said, speeding up and quickly doing the hand signs, disappearing as she enters the hideout. 

Your POV   

You quickly enter your room, closing the door as you sigh in relief. Tobi could be really insistent, and talking about your past isn't really your thing. Quickly, your mind starts wandering, following orders was something you were used to, but you can't help but grow suspicious of your leader, perhaps he found something no one could know, but shouldn't a leader have no secrets? Well, this is the Akatsuki, a group of people with sad and traumatic past, of course, most of them seem to hide from their sad feelings. 

"Heh, so troublesome" You whisper to yourself. You lost the ability to understand human emotions long ago, how can a traumatic event change one's actions and personality? Most events in your life didn't really cause a significant change in your behavior, but that doesn't seem to apply to your fellow partners.

Except for the red-haired one, of course. Sasori was definitely someone you couldn't read, and yet, he seems to hide so much about himself. 'I should try learning more about him", you thought to yourself, it's not like there's anything else interesting to do in here anyway.

You gently knock on Deidara's door, interacting with others isn't really your thing, but you had no other choice. "Oh, hey, what do you need, un?" The blonde said.

"I, uh, was wondering if you needed help with anything" "I guess you're bored as well, right?" Deidara said, you just sighed and nodded. "Well, I guess I could use some help, get in, un"  

You enter Deidara's room as he closes the door, it's overall pretty organized if you ignore all the clay and sculptures laying around literally everywhere. In the corner, you can see a table with an unfinished eagle sculpture, the detailed torso was enough to get your attention. Inspecting it closer, you can see that it's one of his explosive clay sculptures. 

"You have amazing sculpture skills" You say as the blonde walks to the table. "I guess I just practice a lot, but thanks, un" He says quietly, avoiding eye contact. 

"You don't seem to get a lot of compliments" "Ugh, it's just that people don't know how to appreciate it, Sasori is always saying that this is not true art or whatever"  Deidara says, roughly laying on his bed. 

"You two don't make any sense to me"  You say as Deidara curiously lifts his head "Huh? What do you mean, un?"

"Art is different for everyone, it doesn't matter if it'll last forever or disappear within a second. guess as long as if it's beautiful in one's eye, it's art."  You say, admiringly staring at his finished sculptures. "But how could I know anything, right?" You say looking back at Deidara, his surprised face fades as he gives you a small smile, a soft pink blush appears on his face. "It's nice to finally meet someone who thinks like this"  He says getting up "I think we'll get along really well, un!"

_time skip_

You and Deidara have been talking for a while as he finishes his sculpture, every once in a while he mentions something about Sasori, you take some notes every time he says something important about him or the other members.

To distract yourself a bit, you took some of Deidara's leftover clay and started molding as well, you did end up accidentally exploding some of it, resulting in Deidara laughing at you for a solid 1o minutes, but you eventually got the hang of it. You also found some metal wires and strings laying around, and with that, you molded a small puppet.

After attaching the strings, you looked down at it, giving the blank puppet a small smile. "What is that, un?" Deidara said, sitting by your side on the bed. You lifted your hand, the strings attached tied on your fingers slowly lifted up the marionette. 

"What the actual fuck, you managed to make a puppet out of my explosive clay?!" The blonde yelled, holding the puppet in his hands, analyzing the small details in every joint. "It could be really useful in battle, someone controls the puppet as it explodes near the target" You say controlling the marionette.

Deidara giggles. "I never thought someone would be able to mix me and Sasori's concepts of art, this is actually pretty good, un". "You really think so?" "Yeah! We could try using our abilities together un!" Deidara says excitedly, and before you could answer him, the blonde grabs your hand, pulling you as he runs through the hideout. 

Sasori POV

"C'mon! It's Sasori's turn, do it!" This annoying masked child yells again. I can't believe I've accepted to play these dumb games with Tobi. Y/n is in Deidara's room for a while now, the only good thing about being in this very specific part of the living room is that I have a perfect view of Deidara's door, once she leaves, I'll be able to break free from this nuisance.

"What are they even doing in there" I mumble to myself, this is taking longer than expected. As I reach for the deck of cards, Deidara's door suddenly opens, and the brat is holding y/n hand, pulling her all the way out from the hideout. 

"I win" I say quickly placing my cards on the floor and getting up. I can hear Tobi whining as I make my way out from the hideout as well. 'Why am I even doing this' I ask myself, I slowly follow the two brats through the forest. I can hear a loud explosion not that far from my current location, Deidara seems to be exploding some clay sculptures again.

"No way" I mutter, y/n has a puppet on her hands, clearly made with the same explosive clay Deidara uses. 

"C'mon y/n, you can do it, un" "I'm not sure, it took quite some time to finish this one" y/n said looking at the clay puppet in her hands. "How are you able to easily blow up something you took so long to create?"  

"Look y/n these sculptures are beautiful, but there is a beauty when they blow up as well, don't you think it's exciting how something so delicate can create such a massive explosion?" The blonde says holding y/n shoulders.

"I guess you're right"  Y/n says before controlling the puppet. It moves around and dances a bit, a similar choreography to when I had her in my hands, at the end, the puppet exploded with a dramatic pose. 

"That was so cool, right, un?" "I guess so" "Heh, you need to make more of those so we can blow up things together" Their voices slowly start to become inaudible as they go back to the hideout.

"Tsk, stupid blonde" I say, making my way back to the hideout, maintaining a certain distance from them.

"He's making her mind to his likes, he's taking advantage of her lack of opinion, he's ruining everything up"

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