Kitten |Fluff| Viperchat

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in this Mari is not a ladybug Kagami is her

Luka/Viperion pov

I, Chat, and Ladybug were on patrol. Ladybug has been trying to get together with me but the truth is I'm gay. I got distracted by the cutest thing have ever seen Chat looked so... innocent he has a feather on his head trying to catch it but failing. so I head over and pet him behind his ears started to purr after a few seconds I felt like exploding right then and there. Ladybug made a hphm sound she looked annoyed and mad I walk to her and her face lit up like the sun but she ain't I started to speak " listen here ladybug I'm gay" " well I will just make you not " when she said that I could feel the blood curdling my veins I just jumped off the building we were on I heard "you're a bitch ladybug" by chat he then ran after me and we both heard ladybug yell " fuck you chat fuck you" he continued to ignore her still chasing me he wasn't watching where he was going. I was frozen in a place he bumped into me we went tumbling off the roof we were standing on he landed on top of me I blushed furiously and internally screaming.

Adrien/chat noir pov

Why is ladybug being such a, such a bitch my thoughts were everywhere I wasn't watching where I was going. I ran into Viper, we went tumbling off the roof I was blushing so red it was redder than ladybugs suit. his heartbeat was very loud then our miraculous went beeped the last beep and we detransformed " Adrien?!" he said with tears in my eyes I said " I'm so sorry-hph" he was kissing me and the person was LUKA!? Luka is kissing me my crush is kissing ME I closed my eyes after a bit ladybug then walked past and she saw me kissing Luka and she gagged I was too in the moment to care though so I just gave her a cold, hard stare.

I and Luka disconnected he asked me something unbelievable " Adrien will you be my boyfriend" I was in shock "YES!" I responded with joy and happiness in my voice I hugged him falling down on to the cold concrete hugging the life out of him " kitten I can't breath" my face turned red at the nickname loosed my grip I made a high pitched squeal and Luka started to laugh oh god why is his laugh so cute " I love you" " I love you too.

lukadrien/viperchat one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now