811 39 16

A.N Some new characters will be introduced in this chapter. I hope you enjoy x


The first day of filming a new movie is always one of the most stressful days of filming. It's utter mayhem from the moment you walk through the front doors. There will be crew members adding last minute touches to different props and sets, assistants running around in order to retrieve what they've been asked and different members of the cast trying to concentrate on reading over their lines over the loud chatter and movement. It's also just as exciting though. I always feel a rush of fever whenever I get to set the first day. You'll usually already know some of the cast from previous films or encounters, and you'll most likely always meet new people as well.

Hair and makeup can be the most relaxing part of the day, but sometimes it can be the most stressful. I've been in films where I've had to sit in a chair for hours on end in order to create an entirely different transformation. And by the end of the day it just gets wiped off before all being reapplied the very next day. Luckily for me, this new film only has me sitting in this chair for under an hour.

"You must be Elaina." I glance up from my script, my eyes trailing past my makeup artist, and meeting with Jordan. I haven't been in any films with Jordan before, but he's still been in plenty of films, just as I have. I don't know anything about him so far, other than that he'll be playing my love interest.

"That's me." I say with a smile, extending my hand out to his. He takes it in his own and gives it a shake. 

"I thought I should come and meet the women who I'm going to be spending quite a lot of time with for the next few months." He says. I swear I see his lips pull into the smallest of smirks, but it vanishes before I can look twice.

"Elaina, dear, I just need to go and find a concealer that matches your skin tone." Debra says to me. I give her a nod before she's rushing off. I glance towards Jordan again to find he's now taken the seat in front of mine which just so happens to be quite close.

"I hear you've made friends with Harry Styles." He says, raising his eyebrows.

"He's actually my boyfriend." I tell him confidently. I give him a smile, although I know full well it's definitely forced and I'm pretty sure he does too.

He doesn't say anything but just gives me a small hum, showing his disinterest in what I had to say. 

"You know I'm quite glad that we've both been casted for these roles," He tells me slowly after a short while. "I think we can both get into quite a lot of fun in the coming months." He adds as his eyes flick down to my body.

"Well I don't." I say firmly. His eyes snap back to meet my glare and he immediately scowls at my words. He opens his mouth to reply back but before he can get the chance, Debra has made her way back over.

"I'll see you later then." I say. He keeps his eyes on to me, forcing a smile just as I had done. My eyes narrow as he then flashes a charming smile at Debra before walking away.

Luckily, the rest of the day runs pretty smoothly and I don't have any one on one scenes that need to be filmed with Jordan today. The stress level definitely dropped for everyone since this morning, except for Matilda's assistant who bought her the wrong coffee. She didn't care and drunk it anyway but he looked on the verge of ripping his hair out from his small mistake.

I begin heading towards the studio exit. I've never had to work this late on the first day filming and that makes me one of the last people here other than a few of the crew who are packing up some props. Although that's what I think until I get to the door and overhear on a conversation that makes me stop instantly.

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