Coming Home

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    Anna sits at her window sill, playing with the ends of her braids and gazing out into the horizon, half expecting to see a reindeer racing down into the kingdom of Arendelle, carrying it's blonde owner on it's back.
    But she only sees what she's been seeing for the past hour or so, nothing.
    The princess sighs, glancing away from the window and towards the door. Her stomach growls and she knows that she should be on her way downstairs to meet her sister and her fiancé for what will inevitably be a dreadful lunch filled with more insipid wedding planning.
    She turns back to the window, only planning on stealing one last glance at the veiw before leaving to go eat, but something catches her eye. In the distance she sees something racing into town.
    Or someone.
    Her heart nearly leaps out of her chest. She can hear it pounding in her ears, she can feel the disbelief creep into her senses. It feels as if all the oxygen in her room was wiped out for a few startling moments.
    Anna blinks.
    She wills herself to snap out of her daze, then she stumbles out of the chair she was sitting in and bolts towards the door. The strawberry-blonde still isn't completely positive this is real.
    Yes she did invite him, she did tell him to please come home. But that didn't mean she fully believed that he would.
   Sure they were friends, but Kristoff had a job, one that travled to places hard to find, one that he had been previously diverted from because of the little kingdom emergency Anna had dragged him into.
   She couldn't have been one hundred percent positive that he would return to her, she could barely seem to allow herself to be eighty percent sure.
But now, she thinks, he's here, he's riding Sven through the town searching for her, he came back.
    In her rush, she turns the corner and runs straight into her sister who had been on her way to bring Anna down for lunch.
    "Sorry!" Anna squeals, backing away from the platinum blonde. Elsa groans.
    "Where's the fire?" She rubs her arm, already feeling a bit of a bruise forming.
    Anna gives her sister a quick hug, a smile stretching across her face. "Kristoff's here!" She shouts. Then, before Elsa can respond, she continues on her mission to reunite with her best friend.
Best friend.
    She's never had one of those before. Or at least not in thirteen years. Anna of course still loves Elsa more than anything, but they are sisters, "best friend" is a given.
    Anna makes it out of the palace and through the gates in a few short minutes. She slows her pace as she whips her head this way and that, searching for a reindeer and it's greatly appreciated rider.
   The princess makes her way through the bustling town, peaking her head up and around, eyes searching and scanning each and every villager.
    After a few excruciating minutes, she finds herself on a quieter street. Doubt slowly begins to fill every corner of her mind. Maybe she had just imagined him, in all of her hope that he would retrieve her letter and return to Arendelle.
    That's another thing, he may not have even seen the invitation.
    Somehow that's worse than him rejecting it.
     Anna freezes. Her heart stops momentarily, her eyes widen as the voice registers in her mind. It's the same voice she had missed so dearly the past few days. The one she had needed to hear after a long day of wedding planning, or when she couldn't sleep, or when she could sleep and woke up with a birds nest on her head.
Anna turns around, slowly, aftaid that she will come to face a Kristoff-less street, the voice nothing but a figment of her imagination.
But there he stands, looking just as shocked as she is, Sven grinning from behind him.
They both seem to be lost in a daze. It had only been a few days since they last saw each other, but each day that passed felt like another promise of a future without each other.
Anna is the first one to break out of the trance, gasping out his name just before racing into his arms, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck. He pauses only for an instant before his strong arms wrap around her waist, pulling her up until her toes don't reach the ground anymore.
She feels his warm breath on her neck as he buries deeper into the hug. Anna laughs, the sound more of a strangled sob but filled with joy all the same.
They don't pull away until Sven snorts at them. When they do though, his hands still linger on her waist and her fingers still thread through his hair for a few moments longer.
They say distance only makes the heart grow founder, Anna can now see why.
She slowly (and hesitantly) releases him so she can turn to Sven and scratch him behind his ears. Sven wags his tale- when has a reindeer ever been able to do that- and Anna giggles before kissing him gently on the nose.
When she looks back up at Kristoff he is gazing down at her. She feels a blush begin to creep it's way to the surface of her already rosy cheeks, but she doesn't dare look away.
Anna keeps massaging Sven behind his ears and under his chin as she gazes at Kristoff, drinking him in just in case they are ever separated again.
She notices that he has a light brush of freckles over his nose, he has a small dimple on his left cheek, a tiny scar on his chin, (she makes a note to ask him what it's from later), and he has chocolate brown eyes. Eyes that seem to be studying her just as her's were and are.
Despite herself, Anna laughs.
Kristoff snaps his eyes back up to hers and arches an eyebrow. "What?" He asks.
There's his silky smooth voice again, Anna almost forgets what she was saying, what was even happening, but after a quick moment she composes herself fast enough to answer his question.
"I didn't think you were coming back." She answers truthfully.
His confused expression softens into a sweet smile. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know..." She pulls one hand away from petting Sven so she wipe her bangs out of her eyes, "Don't you have a job?"
"To hell with my job," he grins at her and steps just a little bit closer "My boss probably thinks I'm dead anyway."
Anna laughs, her grin matching his.
"Do you think you could play dead for a little bit longer?" Do you think you could stay for a little bit longer?
Kristoff pauses, registering the meaning behind her question, despite her attempt to only make it playfull.
Then he answers, and the weight Anna had been carrying around the past few days is lifted, "I think I can do that."

Hello! I just wanted to say that I apologize for not keeping up with my other stories. Life has been hectic and I guess I just haven't had the inspiration. This one though, I know I can keep up with because it's only a collection of moments, not a full on story.

Again I apologize, but I do hope you like this little... drabble collection thing.

Please comment the moments you would like me to re-write!

I love you all,

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