~Chapter 8~

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As I sat down at the table where the other managers were at, I noticed that Tooru was staring at me.
'What do you want hoe' I mouthed in English.
He gave me a awfully confused face, it looked really weird. I laughed to myself as I sat down and picked at my food with the chopsticks.

"Y/n?" I jumped out of my daydreams and looked to the girl sitting next to me.
"Oh sorry, what is it Eri?" I asked.
"How do you know Oikawa from Aoba Josai, I heard he's super popular and gets asked out by hundreds of girls everyday! I hope you don't think I'm a stalker but, I saw you hugging him this morning."
'Damn these people are nosy.' I thought to myself but I snickered when I heard the last part of her statement.
"Me and Tooru are just really close friends... and just thinking about him being smushed and smothered by hundreds of girls makes me want to die with laughter."

"So, you guys are close?"
"Yeah why."
She turned a bright shade of red.
"I-i... I really like h-him." She covered her face with her hands to hide her embarrassment. I felt my eyes widen.
Eri likes Tooru? What's this feeling in my stomach...

"I k-know I'm just like those o-other girls b-but I l-l-lo-love him." She blushed even more if that's possible.
"Do you t-think you can help me y-y/n?"
It's wrong but in that moment I wanted to punch her so bad, but yet I said, "I don't know, it depends. I can't just force him to like you." She looked at me unsatisfied. "Yes you can and you will." She told me nastily.
I was shocked by her change in attitude.

"Well I definitely won't with that attitude." I replied just as nasty as her.
Her face broke into a innocent smile.
"Haha you're really funny y/n. Well I'm full now catch you later." She said as she left the table.

'Wow I didn't know she was a two faced bitch.' I gritted my teeth.
"Girl are you ok?" Kaori asked me visibly concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You sure? You look kind of mad."
"Haaaah?! I'm not mad!" I scoffed and looked away.

"Ok your definitely NOT mad, but I hope you feel better." She smiled and continued to eat.

Oikawa's POV

I was super bored and everyone was talking about some dude from Fukurodani but I don't care about them.
I watched as y/n made her way to the table and as she was about to sit down, she looked up and met eyes with me. She mouthed something but I couldn't understand what she was saying.
She sat down and played with her food. 'Why am I so interested in watching her? That's creepy Tooru cut it out.' But I couldn't help but admire her looks and features.

One girl that I didn't know started talking to y/n. 'Hmm I wonder what they are talking about.'

After they finished talking and went through many facial expressions the girl lefted and y/n looked really upset.
I'll have to ask her about it later.

Kuroo's POV

"Kenma why are you staring at y/n?"
"EH?! Oh I'm not staring at her... Wait is that her name?"
I felt I little weird but still proceeded to question my friend.
"Heh do you have a crush~?" I cooed.
He went dark red.
"I-i eh i-i uh d-don't." He said while looking everywhere but at my face.
"No need to be shy, just tell me."
"I told y-you I don't l-like h-her."

"Hi kuroo!" I heard an angelic voice behind me. I saw kenma squeak and hid his face behind his psp.
I turned around. "Hey y/n-chan~ what brings you here?"
"Oh well, Daichi wanted me to give this to you, I don't know why he couldn't do it himself. He's probably lazy." She giggled to herself.
'Why is she so damn cute-'
I took the envelope and put it on the table.

I got an idea.

"Y/n take a seat." I pointed to the seat next to me.
"Oh is it taken?"
"No no of course not."
Lev was actually sitting there but I don't really care.
"Sure why not." she sat down.

"Y/n I want you to meet a friend of mine." I pointed my thumb over to Kenma. His cheeks became tinted with pink but pretended not to notice and continued playing his game.

"Oh I've seen you before! Your friends with Hinata."
He looked up but immediately looked back down again.
"Sorry he's a little shy."
"It's ok, everyone gets shy at times, I'm y/n l/n by the way."
Kenma ignored her so I lightly kicked his leg under the table. He yelped but understood the message.

"I'm Kenma." He said bluntly. I rolled my eyes but y/n didn't seem to notice his bluntness.
"What are you playing Kenma? My mom never let's me play any video games." She said sadly.
He looked at her and blushed a little bit.

'Does he like her or is he just shy?' I asked myself. Kenma never acted like this. When he met new people he always acted like they didn't exist, except for certain special people like that Hinata kid.
But what if he does? What am I going to do? Do I like y/n? I've only met her a few days ago, I couldn't possibly like her already. Right? I'm totally not jealous of Kenma right now. Y/n is just so glorious and stunning, it's hard to take my eyes off her.

Reader POV

Kenma seems like a cool dude. And he let me try his game! He looked kind of worried when I was playing though... maybe he thought I might break it or something.


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