Cherry Sours

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A/N: The story is going to start winding down soon. Also, HUGE warning for smut in this one (yes, it's finally happening). Do not read if under 18. This book is marked mature for a reason (mainly this chapter). You can skip this chapter and things will mostly make sense :)

Happy Halloween! Oh, and there's one chapter left :)

Happy Halloween! Oh, and there's one chapter left :)

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You knocked on the door of Jimin's apartment, a tote bag slung over your shoulder, and hair still clinging to your face from dance practice. Jimin should still have one more class to TA, which should give you enough time.

"Hey Inna," Jimin's roommate, Taehyung, said, opening the door, his phone in his other hand. While you'd never formally met Taehyung, he'd gone to a neighboring high school and occasionally showed up at football games and dances at yours. "So, what exactly do you need my room for?"

"Uh--" you said, your eyes shifting across the doorway as you entered through it. "It's kinda hard to explain. But, I just need it for tonight and I'll wash your sheets."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes. Although there was no malice, only curiosity and suspicion. You watched as he pocketed his phone. "I think whatever this idea is, it isn't a good one."

"Oh, it definitely isn't," you said, setting down your bag on the couch. "But, I can't let our relationship continue like this. I need to cut it off. Rip it off like a Band-Aid."

Taehyung's eyes softened. "You know he likes you, right?"

You played with the handle of the tote bag. "I know."

"Then, why are you doing this, Inna? I can tell you like him too."

Something about the melodic lilt of Taehyung's voice brought the tension in your shoulders to its fullest height. "Because he would eventually get bored with me. I might be different than I was back when we dated in high school, but not that much. I'm still that nerdy, boring girl who works too much."

A silence fell between you. Taehyung pulled out his phone again, checking the time. "I have to go to work. Just be wrapped up by midnight."


Jimin came home around an hour later. You sat on Taehyung's bed scrolling through your phone. You'd thought that you had at least another twenty minutes, but the class must have ended early.

You grabbed the tote bag and ruffled around until you found the vibrator. Thankfully, it shouldn't be too loud, although you didn't really care if Jimin heard. That was, actually, the point.

Listening as he kicked off his shoes and the soft moans falling from his lips. You knew he was massaging his own shoulders and stretching out his legs just like you would whenever you came home from practice.

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