Wants me back

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I don't even know how I got here.. I was about to give my virginity to Bernie San. I was confused though, as much as I may love this man, I was only using him to make Biden jealous. We were getting a lil rated R in his car until I saw Joe, he walked up to the car and once he saw me and Bernie about to fuck, he went apeshit. Joe pulled out a glock and shot at the window, Bernie realized and his pupil dilated. He threw me to the backseat and got out of the car. He then went to the trunk and pulled out another gun. My heart skipped a beat.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FROM TAKING AWAY MY DONALD FROM ME YOU WHORE" Joe screamed as he shouted at Bernie. I realized he did care for me.

"I ACTUALLY TREAT HIM WELL YOU ASSHOLE" shouted back Bernie as he dodged the bullets.

I had to act quick before someone got hurt, I saw Bernie pull the trigger but before a bullet could touch Joe, I pushed Joe out of the way and the bullet hit me. I instantly passed out..

Donald Trump x Joe BidenWhere stories live. Discover now