The Halfa

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The day passed slowly, with classes dragging on, and Danny struggling to keep his blue eyes open. Only the fear of his secret being revealed kept him awake - and that was only as helpful as a decaf coffee.

Sometimes, if Danny really focused, and used most of his energy, he could 'sleep' in his human form. It was difficult, and he didn't really rest when he used this trick, but it was good for sleepovers and the occasional Fenton Camping Trip.

Truth be told, it wasn't sleeping at all. It was like his physical self went dormant while his mental state worked overtime. He only used this skill for absolute emergencies.

When the bell finally rang for lunch, Danny sprinted through the halls, eager to see his friends. Sam and Tucker were waiting for him, and the trio eagerly took their lunch outside. They had a small table in the courtyard, a place where the A Listers rarely paid attention to them.

It happened quickly. One minute, Danny Fenton was having a nice lunch with his friends, and the next, Technus was attacking the schools courtyard. The evil ghost had built a new form for the occasion; the guy looked like he raided Skulker's closet. Electricity pulsed throughout his exosuit, which was black with green circut baord patterns.

"Isn't there a rule or something not bother people on their 'Death Day?'" Danny asked, using the term Tucker had used earlier.

His two friends shrugged sympathetically.

While several of the students fled in terror, the trio stayed behind to fight their foe.

"I'm going ghost!" Danny declared, and white ringlets wrapped around his form. As they passed over his body, his true ghost self made itself known.

The halfa had no time to enjoy his comfort, however, because cell phones and MP3 players began attacking him. Gritting his teeth, Danny formed a shield around him and his friends while Technus laughed.

I don't have the energy for this, Danny thought. He knew the sleepless nights would come back to haunt him, but he didn't realize just how severely drained he was. The ghost kid was just happy it didn't take any energy to be in his normal, ghostly form.

He could feel his powers deteriorating, and like he had trained his body to do so, he began slipping back to his human form. It was a trick he had learned so that his secret - his real secret - wouldn't be known. Danny knew if he stopped the process, and remained in his ghost form now, it would be hours before he could change back to his human half.

He had two options. One: finish this fight now, or two: finish this fight later.

In the center of Technus' suit was a car battery that pulsated with energy. Deciding his friends were more important than his secret, Danny used the last of his reserve and pushed forward, forcing his body to remain in his ghost form.

"You're weak, Ghost Child," Technus taunted as more electronics flew towards the young hero.

Sam and Tucker were being held back by the shear force of flying devices, their only protection being their half raised arms in a lame attempt to cover their faces.

Danny had stopped taking his enemies insults to heart a long time ago. Now, he could share witty banter with the villains without a second thought. But seeing his two best friends so defenseless had his head reeling.

He used the last of his strength, hurling towards the center of the exo suit. The ecto blast he created seemed to sap the light out of the air around him. The world darkened, and Danny's chest tightened - since when did ghosts have trouble breathing?

The shout of surprise and pain that erupted from Technus jolted Danny out his anger filled attack. The melted, goopy battery fell to the ground, and the electronics collapsed. For the most part, the exosuit was intact, and Technus was relatively unharmed, albeit he was out of breath.

Danny wasted no time in pulling out the thermos and sucking the ghost inside.

Sam and Tucker looked on in awe as their best friend stood tall and proud in the aftermath. They had never seen him fight with such motivation and strength.

"That was awesome, Danny," Tucker grinned.

"Maybe you overdid it?" Sam added, raising an eyebrow.

Danny smiled sheepishly, but didn't change back like his friends expected. "Maybe you guys should head back," Danny told them.

"We'll have to sneak in," Sam noted. "The whole school's probably on lockdown. Care to give us a lift?"

Danny glanced at the school to see his parents emergency ghost shield had been activated. Danny knew that he couldn't hope to pass through in his present predicament. He gave his friends a sad smile and shook his head.

"I'm sorry," he told them, and disappeared into the sky.

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