Chapter Eleven

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Caroline snapped back to reality, still kneeling on the floor with the mixtape in hand. She took a deep shaky breath, wiping her cheeks that were now coated in a stream of her tears.

She tucked the mixtape carefully in her pocket, readying herself to stand up and leave before a soft rattling from under the bed caught her attention.

She carefully lowered herself onto her hands and knees, tilting her head to peer under the bed, shifting the duvet that hung over the edge slightly.

"Hello Caroline!" Came the all too familiar voice.

She shrieked, scurrying backwards until her back slammed against her dresser, the contents on top rattling as she did so.

There was an awful twisting sound as the clown contorted itself whilst climbing out from under her bed, extending itself up to its full height.

"Long time no see, Caroline" it said, leaning down towards her and laughing it's haunting laugh.

She winced trying to shuffled further from it without being too obvious.

"Leave me the fuck alone" she raised her voice at the clown, causing it to recoil dramatically, pulling a face of mock-terror.

"Oh! Little Caroline has found her voice hadn't she?! I'm terrified!"

It laughed again, sending shocks of fear throughout Caroline's body. The clown seemed to sense this, it's disturbing smile spreading across its lips.

"I'm-im not afraid of you anymore!" She yelled half-heartedly, slowly reaching her hand towards the doorknob, ready to escape at any moment.

"Aw! Now I don't think that's true" it scolded "and I hate hate hate hate hate liars Caroline! I do!"

It shook itself a little with each word, a look of complete terror taking over her features. It took a step towards her, leaning down close to her face, slobbering as it spoke.

"Your fear. It smells delicious"

It laughed again, leering down over her all cross eyed, her breath hitched, completely horrified. Her hand rested on the doorknob.

It paused, breathing heavily, staring at her as if she were a piece of meat.

"They still don't want you" it smirked before continuing "care-bear"

It practically spat the nickname at her, causing her to wince and turn her face to the side.

"Now keep still so I can gobble gobble gobble you up!!! You and all your tasty delicious fear"

That was enough for Caroline, this clown was not budging. She quickly pulled on the doorknob, screaming slightly as she practically rolled out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

She heard scratches from the opposite side, banging her head breathlessly against the door in response.

"Fuck you!" She yelled, the scratching eventually dissipating into silence.

She shut her eyes softly, trying to compose herself once again.

"Carrie! What's the matter?!" Erica announced loudly from in front of her, causing the girl to jump out of her skin.

"Jesus Christ Erica!"

"Are you....are you having one of your episodes?" She practically whispered "like when you were younger-"

"Nope! Completely fine but oh! Look at the time!" Caroline states, glancing at her watch for some excuse to get out of here "I've gotta jet!"


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