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나를 볼 수 있습니까, (y / n)?

Monday mornings are never a delight to anyone, and it gets a million times worse for a boy who could hear thoughts without any restrictions. Their academy would be holding their weekly assembly and it means thousands of unnerving mental whines ransacking his mind in one-go. 

This wouldn't have been a problem if Kusuke didn't decide to play some kind of his pesky tests just to reassure himself that he's better than Kusuo. Challenging the psychic boy is one thing, but hiding his precious germanium ring using an invention that no power could drill into is a whole lot unfair.

And to think Kusuke would really choose Monday to carry on with his shenanigan. 

Kusuo is already used to random thoughts whirring past him yet there are just times when he's tempted to raise the white flag. As much as he is the most blessed individual in terms of abilities, he is still struggling to find comfort in this horrid world. He is still a teenage boy after all.

The stagnant tune of the ringing bell pranced around the hallways as it signaled the students to have their usual formation in the covered court already. Amidst this, he still persuaded himself to stay sulking inside the storage room and try to distance from the crowd as much as possible.

He's far too stressed to have the sufficient energy to just push everything at the back of his skull. Even with his efforts to escape from the bitter disadvantages on having the ability to hear minds, he can still hear numerous of useless loud thoughts that came crashing down on him. He could definitely teleport his way out of this mess but the foolish conscience that he has constricted him from making his mother worry for skipping class without her permission. He hated the fact that he has actually no control in his life and, despite wanting to be free, it was his own decision to continue to try living as the normal boy that he wants himself to be.

Kusuo loathed the scenario that he is currently stuck in. He's supposed to be untouchable... so why was he having a hard time composing his posture at this very moment as more and more words bashed into the fragility of his system? It hurts for him to be submitting into such feeble acts but he couldn't prevent himself from wrapping his arms around him like it could actually stop the bundle of thoughts from entering.

Is he supposed to be this weak?

In a split second, he felt his torso flinch when a new source of warmth slithered from his cheeks and stopped as it reached in each of his ears. He did not waste any second to tilt his head up, catching a certain (h/c)-nette in front of him afterwards.

(Y/N) knew something was wrong when no pink head came to her house earlier to scold her for eating raw bad eggs before she made her way to school. And since it was a Monday, she already has a clue that it must be involving with Kusuo's hatred for crowds and any forms of noise. Although it would always be a mystery for her how everything seems to be really loud for him despite the event happening a couple of meters away, she never questioned this and just does her best to comfort him whenever it became too much for him to handle.

And now is not an exception.

"What... What are you doing here, (Y/N)? You're gonna be sanctioned if the prefect finds out that you're not in the assembly."

"Don't worry too much about that, Kusuo. Your welfare is of my greatest concern. You know too well that I will never leave you."

The boy fell silent as he continued to scan the look artistically sketched on her face. She would always look like a belle to him; a gem glistening even without the need of bright light refracting into it. Even if their eyes have never met even once, he would still find himself drawn into the darling irises of (e/c) that she owns and silently longs for it to look at him the same way that he gazes at it.

Gingerly, he moved his hands and placed it against hers which were still covering his ears. He slowly fluttered his eyes closed to feel the warmth of her palm even more.

"Then... continue to stay here with me."

(Y/N) lightly smiled at the newly released statement that the boy has delivered. A sigh crept out of her lips, her hold on him now guiding his head to inch towards her until both of their foreheads have rested against each other. She gently caressed his cheek with her free thumb as she felt his breath travelling down the skin on her chin and ghosted on it in the most enchanting way possible.

"That's something that I can promise to do forever."

𝐁𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 | 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐤.Where stories live. Discover now