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Silent nights are the best type of nights. With the fair dark skies now being adorned with mundane twinkling stars, the heavens looked like a bewitching canvas painted with the fingers of Van Gogh himself. It is truly marvelous how the neighborhoods in the whole town succumb into the world of tranquility and peace to enjoy their time inside their warm homes.

Some people find comfort in places that excludes them from the rest of the population, and Kusuo knew too well that the lake he's observing right now is his best location of interest. There seems to be a certain magnetic force that keeps on pulling him since this is where he would always end up lounging after a long exhausting day at his academy.

His fingers were now almost consumed by the puddle of mud that he placed it on, the hue of hickory clinging into the ring that he was wearing. It was an unsanitary thing to do yet it was miraculously calming him.

He adores the idea of being isolated from the world. If only he was born a normal boy, he wouldn't have to worry about trying to be a martyr and save everyone from the consequences of their own idiocy. He could actually skip these responsibilities, however, it was the existence of his pestiferous conscience that prevents him from doing so.

Kusuo admires the idea of being alone...

He extended his other free arm and shove it inside his bag to fish out his sketchbook. Their deadline for the project that he's busy spending time on for weeks already is fast approaching.

The boy dipped his hand that was covered in grime on the lake water to rinse the dirt off, wiping it on his shirt afterwards. He was now able to utilize it in order to turn the pages on the said school material.

A sigh crawled out of the slight gap between his lips as he was disappointed to see the progress that he has made. The portrait was not even recognizable to the extent of him unable to call it a progress in the first place.

Nonchalantly, he returned the sketchbook back in his duffel, giving himself some time to escape from his duties as a student. He would only dwell with such pest of a task after he could get a shuteye in this place he considers a sanctuary.

'Sanctuary' thought the boy silently as he leaned his body closer to the charm that the lake was emitting, his reflection clearly painted on it which was seemingly looking at him in pity.

What is a sanctuary for him anyways?


In a flash, his irises of enchanting lavender landed to the image beside his on the water. It wasn't directly gazing at him, yet the lovely beam stitched on its lips was clearly generated for him.

"...yare yare, what are you doing here?"

Kusuo detached his viewing from the lake and now sternly focused on the girl sitting a few inches away from him. Her eyes were still glued on the view in front of her, nose scrunching in accordance to the mannerism that she was used to execute.

"Don't say that, Kusuo. We found this place together. Don't hog it to yourself only!" She playfully spatted in an attempt to lighten the mood. There was something bothering the young male and she could identify this without even the need of asking.

"It's getting kind of late. You still don't want to go to your home?"

"Too noisy."

The boy laid his back completely on the freezing ground, his skin immediately reacting with the freezing ambiance that the soil was giving off. It didn't bother him tho; the piece of art that cascaded over the night sky was definitely worth it to visualize while taking a small nap.

"Ah... How 'bout we fetch ourselves some coffee jelly?"

"That.. would be nice."

"Great! Let's go then!"

"Five more minu—"

Kusuo's circular irises snapped open after feeling a pair of arms being hooked under his upper back and legs. He felt the doer exerting effort to lift his body that's why, without even instructing his mind to do so, he suddenly casted his abilities on himself to make him float a bit. He was surprised with the impromptu action that he has done but, he was more concerned on what was being done on him.

"Hey, what the heck! Why do you weigh like a kid?! Or maybe... I'm just too strong! Mwahaha! I'm really cool, huh?"

The boy rolled his eyes with her childish statement, his fingers absentmindedly clutching into his pants. He felt his body now being lifted completely from the ground by the (h/c) - nette in a seemingly embarrassing bridal style. He was not sure on why he just let her do these things to him and it was making him become irritated with his own self for not doing anything.

"Why are you doing this, idiot?"

"Trying to get you to buy me free snacks, of course."

(Y/N)'s grin that added to the enchanting features that her cherry-hued cheeks were offering has become so evident to his sight, the moon's yellow light pooling on the two of them like a 90's disco. Her eyes were still stuck in front as she started to walk with Kusuo still in her arms.

The steps that she was making was robotic as it seems like she already memorized the path, but despite this, it was still pretty slow and careful. For whatever reason, the boy didn't mind the pace as he finally persuaded his body to relax.

"One more thing, Kusuo. I want you to remember that it's not always about the princess or the damsel in distress, you know?"

Her breathing was subtle and it could be felt through the heaving of her chest. The two teenagers were so pressed against each other that the boy could recognize the number of beats her heart was making every minute.

"The knight-in-shining-armor needs to be saved from big bad dragons too."

Kusuo ended up slipping into a mountain of thoughts after hearing those words from the broad that was carrying him. The reasons on how she was able to lock him into situations like this were still a mystery to him. However, even if it was somewhat infuriating to him on how he can't do anything about it, he actually enjoys the small memories that they share together.

Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her nape for him to be able to have a much more comfortable position. He bent his back a little to rest his forehead on the side of her neck, his eyes slowly fluttering close as he finally found his real sanctuary.

Kusuo admires the idea of being alone... together with (Y/N).

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