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~Ezra's P.O.V~
The week went fine for me and I could say the same for Jack. Well for the first few days after Jack being suspicious. Whenever Jack is around the halls, there will always be these three girls. I kept my distance so I won't get any trouble from them and when I look at them closely, I recognized one of them from Natalie's class. I have a bad feeling about this and I bet Jack and Natalie are in the same in this situation.

I arrived pretty early today and I saw Natalie with the three girls. One of them shoved back Natalie's bag and left while laughing. I walked towards her and asked if she's alright. She sighed, "She drenched my books with a smoothie..." she weakly answered. "I can borrow you mine if you like..." I offered and her eyes lit up. "Yes, please!"

We walked to my locker and I lent her my book for her today's schedule. "Thanks so much, Ezzy. You're a lifesaver." she thanked me with the old nickname. I slightly blushed and told her it wasn't a problem at all. "Daniel left his things in our dorm. How about I pack them and you can pick it up tomorrow?". "Today is Friday... Sure! And thank you again." she smiled and we continued our day as usual.


Today is finally Saturday and I promised Natalie to give her Daniel's things. I picked up two clean empty cardboxes from a friend in another class yesterday. I seperated my things from Daniel's and seperate his personal things from his school belongings. He didn't have a lot of clothes so the box isn't too cramped. I grabbed a marker and write each box with respected labels.

"What are you doing? And morning by the way." Jack greeted after coming back from breakfast. "Morning!" I greeted back. "I'm packing Daniel's belongings for Natalie." I answered. "I'll go bring them to her.". "Are you giving me an excuse?" I teased. "Just let me know when you're finish." he dismissed it and took shower. I giggled and finished packing before having breakfast.

~Natalie's P.O.V~
It's Saturday again! To be honest, Saturday is the only day I look forward to since no one's bothering me for one day straight. I can say that everyone has their own reasons to look forward on weekends. Ezra promised me Dan's old stuff yesterday. Should I go to the boys dorm to get it? I mean I won't mind. I could care less about the boys but I'm sure there's a rule that each dorm should not know each other's business.

I just finished changing after shower and I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I informed from the inside. I opened the door and it was one of the school's council member, Kezia. "Morning, Natalie." she warmly greeted. "Good morning, Kezia. Anything I can help?". "There's someone for you and he looks neat." she informed. I have a weird tingle from it. "Oh! He's waiting outside of the house." she added. I thanked her and she left. I closed the door and went to the dorm's entrance.

I arrived and my suspicion couldn't be better. "Good morning..." Jack greeted when he saw me and I noticed the two boxes he brought. "Oh, it's just you. I thought Ezra would be here.". "I suspected that you expected me." I rolled my eyes with a slight smirk. "Are those for me?" I half teased. "I'll return them back in a bit.". "Okay, I'll take them. Thank you. Happy now?" he smirked as a response. I guess he's satisfied... "I'll be back in a bit." I picked up the boxes back to my room.

I took a cutter and cut open both boxes. One was filled with Dan's books and other school stuff and the other was filled with his personal belonging. I rummaged through and I found his sling bag. I remembered he always wore it. I walked back to the entrance with the bag around my shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't leave.". "Oh? You paid attention for once."

"Shut up..." I noticed Jack wearing a white long sleeve tee under a black vest with grey pants. "Do I have something odd on me?". "White Duke." he tilted his head. "That should fit you." he couldn't say a word. "Have you consider getting yourself a haircut?" he changed the topic. "Why do you ask?" I asked back. "Merely wondering...". "You always say that..." I rolled my eyes.

"If you want to come along then I don't mind." I was between nonchalant and flustered. Jack didn't say anything and walked passed me. "You do want to go, don't you?" he asked and I followed. We took the train to the city central. As Jack suggested, the first place we went was the salon. I have to admit I've been meaning to shorten my hair. The hairdresser asked what style I want and Jack told her as long as people can see my face. I told her to shorten my hair and trim my bangs.

It took about twenty minutes and I'm satisfied with the result. I went to the cashier to pay and the employee told me that Jack already paid for me before he left. 'He bailed on me?' I was mad but I managed to hold it and I gave the hairdresser a tip before leaving. I walked out and Jack was leaning on the wall next to the door. "Where were you?". "Did you miss me?" his counter question surprised me and I blushed. "j-just don't leave unannounced, okay?" I retaliated.

I asked where he went and instead of giving me an answer, he turned to me and put something on my hair. "A hair clip?" I checked with my fingers. "You don't like it?". "It's not exactly my taste but I appreciate it." he didn't say anything but I guess he's happy that I accept it. "I just thought it suits you with your new look." he finally commented. "Any places you want to go next?" he asked. "I follow along. You know this place better than I do." I answered. He kept his silence and lead the way.

We were just walking around the place until we decided to stop by a diner for lunch. We ordered our preferences and sat down. We were silent for a moment then he asked what I usually do in Saturdays. "I just stay in my room or visit my friends' dorm. I'm considering to try the piano in the lounge." I explained. "How about your sister?". "She goes to the gardening club."

"Do you really play piano?" he asked. "Maybe? I can't really remember. I wonder if Midnight would get one for me." he raised an eyebrow. "I mean my father." I clarified. He didn't seem surprised. We finished our lunch and went back to the station. On our way back, I caught something from one of the stores. "Something wrong?" Jack noticed me looking at a backpack. "You like it?". "I'd like to have it but not now. Maybe I'll buy it if I have enough money." I smiled to myself then we took the train back to the school.

We got off the train and walked back to the house. "Thanks for today I guess..." I said to Jack before we go to our own room. "If you like to do it again in other time, I don't mind.". "Of course you won't... At least you know where to find me in Saturdays..." he pat my head and left. I went back to my room and Darky greeted me with a cheeky smile. "What?". "Where were you been?" she asked.

"I went out and Jack decided to join after he brought those." I explained and pointed at the boxes. Darky gasped and teased if I was on a date. "We weren't on a date!". "Then what's that on your hair? Did he gave it to you?" she asked about the hair pin and I ruffled her hair. "Just shut up..." we giggled and sort the boxes from earlier today.

A.N : Hey, guys! I told you I promised to upload the new chapter. Well it took longer than three days but at least I kept my promise. As usual, college been keeping me busy and I have to work on the other book too. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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