Memories and Flashes

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~~~3rd POV~~~

He ran. 

From something he will never be able to permanently escape until it catches him.

A small fragile boy, no older than 10, mousy brown hair and black eyes, they were once green though.

Some say he cried so much that it drained the very colour from them.

It was dark, so very dark for him. But the darkness was something he had gotten used to by now. 

Though still, he ran. From an inanimate object that seemingly everyone fears deep down, even if they claim not to. 


At the age of 10, It has come to soon for him. But It will not falter, It will not fall.

But still, Christopher Afton continued to run.

Screaming soundlessly, crying with no tears. 

But It continues to chase him.

Eventually, he gives up. 

Eventually, he falls.

And there, a voice. Alight shining down on him from amidst the darkness, a small shred of hope for the boy.

"Can you hear me?"

"...I don't know if you can hear me."

. . .

"I'm sorry..."

"You're broken..."

"We are still your friends..."

"Do you still believe that?"

"I'm still here."

. . . . . .

"I will put you back together."

. . .

Death never found the boy.

Not quite.

They still play their little game of hide and seek.

He still runs.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This man, he also runs. 

From more than one this time.

They want revenge, you see. 

She wants revenge. 

She has a burning fire in her heart that fuels her rage. 

And this man, he lit that fire.

And it's about to burn him. 

Trapped inside a building he created, he sprints through halls and skids around corners, desperately looking for an escape. 

He will not find it. 

Not the one he needs.

He finds a dead end, looking behind him to see the ghosts of the children he murdered. White as a sheet, with black blood seeping out of their eyes. 

You could make them out though.

Charlie, with her short cut brown hair, brown eyes and bloodstained dress, taller then the others and older too.

Suzie, her blue eyes and dirty blond hair accented with a pink bow.

Fritz, with his flaming red hair and green eyes, and a face spattered with freckles. 

Jeremy, his hair black as night, his blue eyes framed by glasses.

Gabriel, his chocolate brown hair messy, his dark eyes endless pits.

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