"polaroid boy"

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Song: Polaroid Boy - Nicole Zefanya

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Song: Polaroid Boy - Nicole Zefanya

* they're alive in this one

* tw // body image


Willie never knew darkness before he met the person who would rock his entire heart and soul.

He was a happy-go-lucky kid. He goes wherever the wind takes him. So long as he's got his trusty Polaroid camera, he's A-OK.

On a chilly summer morning, he headed to the local park to shoot some scenery for his latest project. Mr Covington, his boss, was adamant on following the rules. Willie, on the other hand, was a rule bender.

You could see how that could make things difficult.

"William, I will need you to submit your film by 12pm sharp tomorrow," Mr Covington stated on the phone last night. "You know where to find me."

Willie didn't even have time to respond before the phone line went dead, leaving Willie with a million questions and a pack of Polaroid film to be used up.

Despite a million thoughts running through his head, he knew he would have to be up first thing in the morning.

And so at the break of dawn, a cup of coffee and a half eaten breakfast burrito later, Willie went rushing out the door, Polaroid camera in one hand and keys in the other.

Willie was just in time to see the sun rising in the park.

Golden yellow and orange covered the sky, black crows flying in the horizon. The quiet of the morning calmed Willie, surprising for someone who lived for the thrill and spontaneity of life.

Without a moment's hesitation, a click of his camera marked an empty film, followed by another click in the direction of the sunrise.

"Beautiful, huh?" a voice called out from a nearby bench.

Stunned, Willie almost loses his balance on the sidewalk. He looked around to find the mystery voice, only to catch the movement of a body covered in a denim jacket.


Willie's inquisitive nature pushed him to follow this mysterious force. He couldn't help it. Just like a moth was attracted to the flame, he was attracted to adventure.

Not that this was an adventure, he thought.

Despite Mr Covington's voice inside his head beckoning him to finish his project, the pull of this person in denim was stronger. Willie kept on walking.

After a couple blocks, he finds the denim jacket inside a cafe, ordering a cup of coffee. He quickly hides behind a bush, when the person in question leaves the door.

Blond hair.

One more physical feature, yet he was no closer to seeing this person's face. Willie didn't know if he was just procrastinating on his project, or genuinely curious, but he continued following the blond anyway. 

willie + alex (jatp) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now