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well i headed to cafeteria and I suprised that this school cafeteria served carrot doughnut.Oh boy Fang and Captain Kaizo would be ambush for this one.

"Hey Amato bro..do you want to join us for lunch?"Kirishima waved to me.

"Oh sorry..niisan is waiting for me.I just bought this doughnut.

Momo approached at me as she gave me two copies of timetable.I thanked her as she walked towards Kirishima and others to delivered the timetable too.I then walked towards the school infarmary and theres Izuku.His hand healed like nothing

"Izuku..i hope you dont repeat your bruise like that day."Recovery Girl said in motherly way.

"Yes Recovery Girl"Izuku bowed to her.

I smiled and then walked towards Izuku and gave him carrot doughnut to him.He thanked me and ate it.I just chuckled.After that we headed to class as all our classmates were pack up to going home.Yeah class end early today.What a tired day because I used my element power.

"Hey Amato! Midoriya! Can we walk with you"Uraraka approached to us with Lida.

I noded.I noticed Izuku niisan being panicked as Uraraka walked beside her.Oh my do my niisan had crush on her?.Lida walked beside me.

"Hmm Amato ..i noticed your quirk is element.How many element can you use actually"Lida asked with his waving robotic hand.

"Well i can use four element,lightning,plant and light"I said to Lida as i just told my first forms power only.

"Wow thats lot quirks.I amaze as you can control all elements easily"Lida praised me.

I sweatdropped.Control easily huh! Not like you think Lida ..first time...
I made Lightning Hoe...with lightning power...
I accidently made stairs to my room and Tok Aba thought it was earthquake ..with my earth power..
For wind i guessed I ate Yaya biscuit..and being crazy...

Ugh Yaya biscuist were very dangerous!!!
Who was so crazy put turmeric,ginger and galangal in biscuit dough huh!..and another horribble herb and spices!!..

Even Cowboy cat can turn normal!!

Made Probe being punched in the air by her as he said like paper sand!

I shivered!

"Earth to Amato"Lida flicked his finger.

I conscious from my daydream.

"Sorry Lida..i just daydream."I scrachted my hair.

Lida sighed but he smiled.So Lida and Uraraka took another corner of the road while me and Izuku went to straight road where was our house located.We arrived at home.

"Tadaima okasan"we said in unison

"Okairi nasai Izuku,BBB..go bath and then we had our lunch together"mom said from the kitchen.

"Okay mom"we said in unison as we went to our room to undress for bathing.

We had our lunch together after took bath and dress up.Well the lunch were quite tasty and  mouth watering..mom made shiitake soup as it was my favourite.Izuku had his udon.

"Well hows your school today?"mom asked us.

"Kinda terribble bit as we had quirk apprehension test but we survive"I said while had my shiitake soup.

"I broke my finger but Recovery Girl heal me"Izuku said.

Mom just sighed but she smiled.

"Izuku..please be more careful."mom said to him.

Izuku nodded.I chuckled.

"Dont worry okaasan..i will make sure niisan can control his quirk through training"I said as I emphasized training word.

Mom just nodded as she finished her eating.

"Seriously BBB"Izuku whispered to me.

"Yeah"I said.

After that we washed the dishes.Mom went to her bedroom for rest so do us.

I laid on the bed and looked on the cieling.I was thinking bout my communication watch.Why i was unable to contact them..was it caused by jamming quirk but its impossibble..what kind quirk that can counter alien thecnology?.Then i heard a knock of the door.Without hesitation i walked to the door and opened it.It was Izuku and he was holding a paper of timetable.I noticed something..his eyes turned into stars.Oh god!! Dont tell me that...

"All Might will teach uss!!!!!!"Izuku shouted  happily.

Niisan in fanboying mood!!!

"Niisan slow down your voice..mom is resting..shhh"I said to him.

Izuku realized his mistake as he scracthed his hair.Then I brought niisan into my  room as he sat on the chair.

"So whats make you happy lot niisan"I asked him.

"BBB..how can you not be excited.Number 1 Hero will be our teacher!! And he teach bout Foundational  Hero Studies!!!"Izuku screamed in fanboying mode.

I just sweatdropped.Yeah i had seen whats subjects for our class tomorrow
Well it was packed day but i didnt mind..yeah we got..

...English  in first period that would be taught by Pro Hero Present Mic...

..Mathematic by Pro Hero Ectoplasm..ughh please dont be like Papazola teaching method..especially theorem phythagoras that lead us to Nyamuk Amuk Nest...and the funny moment was leader of Nyamuk Amuk being defeated easily by Papazola with solar panels..and he made a massive destruction explosion at there...hahaha..
and he was officially became our captain hahaha..

..Modern Literature by Pro Hero Cementoss..i was bad bit in this subject except Ying and Yaya..

..Modern Hero Art History by Pro Hero Midnight..well i intrigued with this subject as I need to know how quirk history in this world...

And Foundational  Hero Studies by All Might..well I wasnt surprised at all as that subject of course suit with him and I believe its just like "Latihan Tempur" by Captain Kaizo..what a merciless training   huhuhu...

"Well im suprised   bit but do you wonder what we learn  from this subject?"I said to niisan

"Well i heard rumour from seniors that it was difficult course that teach us bout real hero "Izuku said with full determination.

I smiled.Then I cleaned my throat..

"So in that case..we must made your body to be more buff like All Might and Endeavour"I poked his tummy.

"But why you not do like me?"Izuku whined and started to mutter.

I sweatdropped again.

"Because my quirk focused on my stamina and agility and for you my beloved sweet niisan..your quirk are quite powerful.Its One For All right..it require stamina,durability and agility plus buff body to support that one"I explained to him nicely.

Izuku just sighed and he agreed.

"Sometimes you are mean BBB"Izuku mumbled.

"Hahaha very funny niisan..anyway lets train your agility "I smirked.

Izuku gulped.

"Dont worry its not hurt but maybe.So  better change clothes"I smiled.

Izuku nodded as he went  to his room.I smirked.Oh yeah this time I would use Tok Kasa training method!.Prepare to be pain and suffer..

If Izuku wanted to be hero..he need tp train lot..All Might could train his durability and stamina  and me will train  his agility.

Yo Arez here..heres the chapter..it bit dull haha..lack idea i guess haha..for next arc..you know right.
Hope you like it✌✌




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