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We were in an auditorium where we would be given talk about the exam that we would be face by a Pro-Hero,Present Mic.Well his quirk was soundwave and he could amplified the soundwave.Izuku said Present Mic quirk quite dangerous if out of control so that why that Pro-Hero wore a neck mic as for catalyst his quirk so he could control his quirk.

“HELLO EVERYBODY CAN I GET A YEAHH!!”he yelled but I guess he controlled it well.

No one answered but there were cough of serious that’s mean the participants were serious for this exam. I sweatdropped only.That Pro-Hero was quite energetic and I heard that he worked as DJ besides being a teacher in   UA.Light would be like this hahah..

In BBB elemental mindspace

Fire:Should we take the action?
Earth:Let BBB decide and let that big speaker told what exam we would face
Water:Ugh im so sleepy*yawn with Mr.Whale plushie*

“Any questions?”Present Mic asked us.

A guy with spectacles rose up his hand
“Yes,on the printout said it says there are only 4 robots but you mention three only, that would be a rather embarrassing error for such an esteemed error and you green hair stop mumbling” he said.

“Good observation , the fourth robot is just an obstacle, its not worth to worry out so just best it just stay away from it”Present  Mic told us before sent us to the exam station.

I knew that Present Mic said was to hide the real one. Obstacle huh keep away from it for safety seem this fourth robot was the major one .For the three robots we need to destroy to get points each three robots had their own points. The goal of this exam was get much points by destroyed them but I knew there was something hidden agenda in this exam because of that fourth robot.What I had learnt from TAPOPS and missions, don’t get easily being fool because its not necessary although its just small matter. I could tell all participants here had set up their mind which were destroying the robots as much as they want in an hour!. This would be chaos!


We were assembling in front gate of the fake city where the exam place was taken after we changed into sport clothes. What a quite big fake city. There was Pro-Hero, Midnight. Oh my   her costume quite exposed and kind looked sexy. Izuku said her quirk quite miserable as her   body release seductive aroma that made whoever smell would be faint. It was useful quirk when face riots and she hold a whisk as for her weapon.

“Ok participants do your best any low pointer mark, try another next year. Now go!!”she screamed loudly.

The gate of fake city was opening and all of us ran into it. Three types of robots were emerged everywhere and elsewhere. The chaos had begun because many destruction of robots by us. Izuku was nowhere because the others focused to gain points .I observed the robot that being destroyed and some participants looked at me annoyed as I didn’t get any points yet. Oh boy they were totally wrong .These three types robot just shoot laser beam only and no protection .I grinned smiled as I knew what element I should do. It tested our speed and accuracy huh. Easy.

“Boboiboy Lightning” I turned into this speed element and I appeared lightning blade.

Lets rock and roll! Don’t mock me-Lightning said

With a little speed of my lightning power I managed get 60 points in one time and made some participants shocked.I need to be low profile as my goal only to be accepted in UA with my niisan. I wondered where he could be. I hope he was okay and besides he need to maintain that inherited  power.Although he got buff and muscular his bone still fragile this time.So I used Tok Kasa training method so his durability would be upgraded to carry that power.Haha win-win situation.
I slashed many robots as I could and my scored upgrade 20 marks that mean my total score was 80 points.I guessed its enoughed.

“Seriously who is he and why he is so power than us”some participants shocked with my action.

“Huh im who im.So that’s why better don’t mock me”I scoffed.


“I must say that this year batch of freshman show lot potential than years before”said a Pro-Hero that wore alike cowboy style.

“Yes,some of them got impressive quirks.Must be great traits I guess”said a Pro-Hero who was look alike humanoid  cement block.

“But im interested with boy who wear yellowish cap and yellowish shirt.Do anybody notice that his appearance change after change into lightning quirk?”said Midnight.

All Might smiled when watch young BBB was in action.For young Izuku,he didn’t score anything yet but All Might knew that his successor would do something.


I could see many robots being destroyed everywere.So they were trying to after me huh.Well I don’t care because I would after them.Thing was getting more serious and suddenly there was a big explosion and crashing.I noticed some others participants ran away.

“Run!! Its zero pointer robot!!!”some of them said in panic way.

I knew it.See that’s why we don’t judge easily although its zero point.I saw a big and enormous robot appeared and I could say it was to powerful as Ejojo ship!. I saw Uraraka was hit by block and she trapped and the big robot approached to her.I ran towards her and saved her by slashed that block.

“Thanks we need to run BBB”Uraraka said.

“Yeah-WHATTT!!”I saw Izuku jumped towards the air with big momentum and he gave powerful punch towards that enormous robot.


The robots exploded and I saw my niisan fell down  from the air.Without wasting time I turned into Boboiboy Wind and flew upwards and saved him.Izuku smiled at me.I saw in horror..his right hand and his right legs were bruised and cracked!Was this effect of this quirk.We landed on the ground and Uraraka approached at us.


I noticed Izuku got 0 points.He shocked and fainted.All participants crowded us.They looked at us with shocked.

“Did that boy just punch that zero point”

“Shame on him”

My veins popped up on my forehead.

“Shut up and you guys should thank to my niisan because he save you all!What kind hero are you if this fake obstacle you ran away and if this girl killed ..what a shame”I said in anger tone

They just speechless.Uraraka just smiled.Then I saw an old lady nurse walked towards us and she just gave a kissing on Izuku cheek.With a miracle,Izuku bruised being healed like nothing.

Wow a healing kissing huh.-Wind gulped.

👉yo Arez here..hope you like it..i tried  to make BBB low profile first haha..humble but you guys think that Midnight costume kinda kinky😅..wuuhuu..hope you like it this part..

👉English is my 2nd language  ..any mistaken of grammar im truly sorry😅


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