Chapter 2

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lisa groans in her pillow when she hears her alarm going off.
Blindly reaching out to grab her phone she mutters to herself "You're 24 fucking hours late, bitch." Honestly, her phone is just rude. When it was supposed to wake her up the previous day, not a single beep came out of it. And then, right now, on her day off of all days, the little fucker is blasting out like this is a damn parade.

Or maybe she just set her alarm wrongly but she's too proud to admit it. But come on, give her a break, today's her day off and she's not much of a morning person when it comes to her days off. So yeah, this was definitely her phone's fault.

When she finally turns the damn thing off, she sighs in exasperation, knowing that there is no way that she'll be able to go back to sleep now. So she just huffs out of her bed and makes her way to the bathroom to have a shower and officially start her morning routine.

She walks quietly from her room to the bathroom, as to not wake her roommate up - knowing damn well the ragnarok that would follow if she did - and checks her shampoo as she enters the shower. Now here's the thing, Lisa really likes Rosé. She's an incredible and strong woman that doesn't take shit from people and she's actually really sweet and kind in her own way, plus she's a really fun person. And Lisa likes her, really, she does. Those were actually some of the reasons Lisa hit it off easily with the girl, making it easy for Lisa to choose her as roommate and, ultimately, won Lisa a new friend.

But ever since Rosé has moved in with her four months ago, she has to basically sleep with her doors locked and be constantly on the look out for the blonde's next prank. And she has tempered with Lisa's shampoo before, so you can't blame a girl for being cautious.

After Lisa's done with the bathroom she moves into the kitchen to prepare herself an actual breakfast since she barely ever has time for it, usually just going for some coffee and/or toast before she leaves to her classes each morning.

As Lisa moves into the kitchen she notices a note on the fridge. Weird. Her and Rosé don't usually leave notes for each other around the apartment. Whatever it was they needed to say, it was always said via text messages when the other wasn't around. She walks close to it, frowning her eyebrows slightly, noticing that not only there is a note trapped beneath the fridge magnet but also a 5 dollar bill. A small smile makes way to her lips though, as she takes the note from the fridge and reads the letters "To: brown eyes" across the folded piece of paper, opening to see the message on the note written in what seems like a 3rd grader's calligraphy.

"Thanks for the movie, the ice cream, your company and your kind words. I hope this makes up for any trouble. Or just the ice cream at least. :) - J." Is this girl even real? As if she owns Lisa anything for making not only the feline eyed girl's but her own day better. Honestly, she's just too precious, and this day has already started fairly better than the previous one. Still smiling, Lisa opens the fridge and moves on with preparing her breakfast. As she does so, she can't help but keep thinking about the feline eyed girl she had met the day before.

She can't help but care about the girl, giving the circumstance in which they met, the girl a fragile little thing curled up on her sofa while quietly weeping. She wonders if she cried again last night. If she did, Lisa could be sure that it wasn't on Rosé's watch. Surely, Lisa hasn't known Rosé for long, but she knows the girl is very protective and like Lisa, she doesn't like seeing people sad. She makes it her job that everyone's smiling and having a good time while she's around and if she can do something about it. And Lisa knew that that was even more the case if Jennie is Rosé's best friend.

But as Lisa sits down by the counter to eat her breakfast, she still wonders. She wonders if Jennie was alright when she left and if she got to her own house safely. She wonders if the feline eyed girl was sad when she went to sleep and if she is awake right now. And if she is, is her day starting better than the previous one? Lisa just wonders. Is all she can do since she got home later and more tired than usual last night because of her new shift. She hadn't even bothered to eat before changing into some comfortable clothes and crashing down on her bed (hence her not seeing the note Jennie had left for her before). Jennie was long gone and Rosé was already asleep by then. So she couldn't ask Rosé about the feline eyed girl.

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