Punishment? Haha.

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"Professor Xiao!"

"Group Leader Yu!"

"You don't have to bear the punishment! We can all bear it together!"

"Xiao Jiang!" Lu Jiuchuan cried along with the others. He was about to grab Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou back, but a strong force had already pulled the two away from them, sending them to the Nightmare Room.

Xiao Lou, whose hand was held tightly by Yu Hanjiang when their vision became dark, hugged Yu Hanjiang tightly. Yu Hanjiang buried his face on Xiao Lou's shoulder as a response.

"Xiao Lou." Yu Hanjiang called when he felt his consciousness started to fade. "Living or dying, we'll do it together." He said. "If we're separated... wait for me. I'll definitely come and find you."

Xiao Lu was about to speak when he felt Yu Hanjiang gave him a deep kiss. It only lasted for a minute before the sensation on his lips disappeared. He noticed his eyes were closed, and so he opened them. He didn't expect what he saw, though. "I'm... back?" he asked and moved his limbs, only feel he's lying on the grass. He's in a park, and the night had just started.

What made him say 'I'm back' is because of the date and time on the giant TV screen across the road. Yes – across the road. He's lying on the grass in a park next to the street. Some passersby are looking at him with weird gazes. If not for his good looks and clean clothes, they would think he's a homeless beggar. However, due to his appearance of an intelligent gentleman, some people looked at him with their eyes filled with disappointment since they thought, either he was greatly devastated after his girlfriend had broken up with him thus he slept out in the cold, or he had gone mad after burying himself in a sea of books.

Xiao Lou doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at this. He immediately fixed himself and stood. "Am I... really back?" he asked as he looked around. It was the usual city where he lived. The date is the exact date he was pulled into the Card World. This made him think for a moment, was the Card World just his dream?

But, no. Everything he experienced was real. Shao Qingge, Ye Qi, Liu , Old Mo, Qu Wanyue, Long Sen and Brother Jiu are real. They are his and Yu Hanjiang's teammates. Yu Hanjiang... he spoke the name in his heart. If the Card World isn't real, he isn't willing. "Yu Hanjiang... Hanjiang..." he called as his eyes welled up with tears. His heart isn't willing to accept it. Yu Hanjiang is his lover.

"Brother... why are you crying?" a voice asked that woke Xiao Lou from his thoughts.

Xiao Lou blinked and his tears fell before he immediately wiped them with his sleeves. No. I must calm down. The Card World is real. Yu Hanjiang and his teammates are real. It's this world that's fake! He thought as he raised his head to face the person who spoke. Is this an NPC designed by the Punishment Room to make this illusion more real and confuse his mind?

His eyes narrowed as he stared at the young man before him. Surprisingly, the young man is good-looking with a clean appearance. He was suddenly taken aback. This NPC seemed an honest person. The Punishment Room of S-grade level sure is one of a kind. "Sorry." He apologized. I mustn't judge the book by its cover. I have seen many kinds of people. I shouldn't be deceived by one's appearance. He thought and pulled a smile. "I am lost. May I ask where is the police station?" he asked. I must find Group Leader Yu first. Two is better than one, after all. He thought.

Li Zhao gaped at the man in surprise. He is already handsome. However, his gentle smile made him even more handsome. He thought as he looked at Xiao Lou in admiration.

Xiao Lou was taken aback again by the young man's reaction. There... really is a problem with this person? He thought.

Li Zhao immediately recovered his wits. Even if this gentleman is handsome, but Ting Ting is the most handsome! He thought. He really never thought of including himself in this group. "Hello. I apologize for my behavior. You're handsome I thought you're an actor." He said and shyly smiled.

'actor'? Xiao Lou stared at the young man. "You're an actor?" he asked.

Li Zhao nodded. "Yes, I am! I am Li Zhao." He introduced himself. "I'm not popular, though..." he felt embarrassed.

Xiao Lou was affected by Li Zhao's purity. He was about to comfort him when Li Zhao spoke.

"But, I don't mind! As long as I can help brother Xiaoyuan and my other friends. I'll make lots of money!" he said. His eyes are shining brightly as they were filled with determination.

Xiao Lou was surprised again. His eyes are clear... he's really... is this world - ? He thought as his eyes widened in shock. He sharply turned and looked around again. Am I... really back? He thought. Did the Card keepers make a mistake? His jaw dropped.

"Brother...?" Li Zhao called when he saw Xiao Lou's in a daze.

Xiao Lou immediately composed himself and hid his excitement. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." He said and gave Li Zhao an apologetic smile. "I am Xiao Lou, a professor. I am lost, and looking for my friend." He explained.

"Oh, right. You said earlier you want to go to the police station." Li Zhao said and paused when he remembered something. "Don't you have a phone? Can't you call him?" he asked.

Xiao Lou revealed an awkward smile. "I... don't have a phone." He answered as he lowered his head in shame.

Li Zhao's eyes widened in shock. "Have you lost your phone?!" he asked as he immediately took out his phone. "Here. You can borrow my phone." He said as he gave his phone to Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou looked at the phone. "That..." he said and rubbed his nose when he realized something. "... I don't know their number." He said.

Li Zhao gaped at him. "Could it be... you two fought?!" he said.

Xiao Lou heard the question and remembered that scene before he was sent to this world. His face reddened. How can we fight? Yu Hanjiang kissed me. His face reddened even more.

Li Zhao saw Xiao Lou's face turned red and he thought he was mad. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know... don't be mad anymore. You can talk your problems with each other. It isn't good to prolong your misunderstandings..." he said.

"N-no. We didn't fight." Xiao Lou immediately said. "I just..." he said and looked at Li Zhao's pure appearance. He sighed in defeat. A single lie had to be covered with more lies to keep it. He doesn't want to lie to a pure child, either. But, will he believe him?

One hour later...

"So, you're saying..." Li Zhao said as he looked at Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou nodded in earnest. "Yes. We came from this world, but for some reason, we were pulled into a strange world when we died." He said. "However, for some reason, I and my lov... friend was sent here when we were punished in behalf of our team." He sighed. "We don't have our phone, so we can't contact each other." He finished.

Li Zhao didn't know what to react as he nibbled on the meat bun. But, one thing is sure: he felt pity for Xiao Lou. It seems like this honest and intelligent-looking gentleman has a large brain hole. 

(A/N: erm, so, uh... these two novels I made a crossover are Card Room and Very Happy. Both are translated by rainbowturtle in Chrysanthemum Garden. Hoping you can check it out! More great novels are also in CG!) 

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