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"I'm really sorry, Xiao-ge." Li Zhao apologized when they reached the studio. "I promised to take you to the police station, yet – "

Xiao Lou grimaced when he heard what Li Zhao said. Why? This child had said it correctly, yet why did it sound so wrong? He thought. (A/N: he's referring to 'take you to the police station', which sounds like Xiao Lou had committed a crime XD) "It's fine. It's really not that urgent." He told Li Zhao.

Li Zhao sighed in relief. "Thank you for understand, Xiao-ge." He said as they went inside the studio.

"It's no prob... lem..." Xiao Lou's voice faded and he held his breath when they entered and he saw the film set. Have we entered through a wrong door? He thought when he saw that the room is like one from the hospital.

But, he discarded the thought since he remembered Li Zhao had told him he's an actor. So, this child was telling the truth? He looked at Li Zhao. Earlier, when Li Zhao said he has to go to the studio, he thought it was a setting of the Punishment Room. Thus, he immediately agreed.

However, he should have believed his judgement. This child is really honest and he wrongfully accused him. Xiao Lou suddenly felt guilty and he felt like he's a wretched adult.

Xiao Lou: anarrowintheheart.jpg

"You've arrived!" the director said when he saw Xiao Lou. His expression is exhausted.

"Director." Li Zhao greeted. "About the additional scenes..." he said.

The director's expression suddenly changed. "About that, Li Zhao..." he said as he suddenly frowned.

"Is there something wrong?" Li Zhao asked.

"The actor for the role of the doctor you'll have a scene with has cancelled his contract." The director gnashed his teeth in anger. "I definitely knew the opposite crew is messing with us, since that actor was seen in their set!" he said.

Li Zhao awkwardly smiled. He doesn't know how to react.

The director also knew he had said something he shouldn't. However, before he could apologize to Li Zhao for wasting the child's time, he saw Xiao Lou silently standing on the side. "Child, is that your assistant?" he asked, his eyes were stuck on Xiao Lou's figure.

"Huh? Brother Xiaoyuan isn't here." Li Zhao answered. Zhang Xiaoyuan acts both as his agent and assistant. Well, not really assistant since Li Zhao doesn't need one.

He was about to speak when he saw where the director is looking. He turned and saw Xiao Lou curiously looking around the set.

"He's not your assistant? Then, is he an actor?" the director asked.

"No and no." Li Zhao answered. "He's... a professor." He said when he remembered Xiao Lou's self-introduction. However, when he found out Xiao Lou has a brain hole, he treated the self-introduction as a lie.

"A professor?" the director said and fell silent. He seemed to be thinking about something. "Can he act?" he asked.

"Huh?" Li Zhao was puzzled. However, seeing the director's dark circles under his eyes, and remembered it's already very late at night, he walked towards Xiao Lou.

"You're going to start filming?" Xiao Lou asked when he saw Li Zhao approaching him. "Don't mind me. just act. I haven't been to a film set before, so can I watch?" he asked before he added. "I promise I won't wander around or make troubles! I'll silently watch!" he told him. He's always been fascinated in movies. So, having this chance to watch how a movie is filmed, of course he wanted to see it!

"Uh, Xiao-ge... you can." Li Zhao said as he stared at Xiao Lou while thinking how can he tell it to Xiao Lou.


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