Meat pie (?) from the sky

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A gentle smile formed in Yan Ting's face that always held a cold expression after he saw Li Zhao's message.

Li Zhao: I just went out to go to the convenience store to buy a cup of noodles. BRRRR! Ting Ting, it's actually cold tonight! If you want to go out, wear double jackets so you won't catch a cold, okay?

Li Zhao: coldhamster.jpg

He was about to type a message to reply to Li Zhao when suddenly –

BANG! CLACK! Their car didn't hit anyone or anything. But, something hit the roof of the car! Are there meat pies falling from the sky today?

Yan Ting's smile disappeared. The 'clack' sound is his phone falling to the car's floor when he dropped it after the impact.

"S-sir!" the driver called as he looked at the roof of the car in fright. Fortunately, the car wasn't damaged. However, what about that thing that hit the car?

Yan Ting glanced at the driver before he bent down to pick up his phone. Seeing Yan Ting's cold gaze, the driver immediately went out of the car to check. Only to exclaim in shock when he saw it wasn't something, but someone, that hit the roof of the car!

What the heck is this? This is too unscientific. The driver is certain that there was no one on the road just now, so he can't run them with the car. But, even if there is someone, but that person who will be unlucky to be hit by the car (if ever this happens), should be lying on the road – not the roof of the car!

The driver looked at the person on top of the car. Could he be an alien? To fall from the sky, he could only be an alien. However, the one on the roof is definitely a person.

When Yu Hanjiang felt the warmth on his embrace disappeared, he had already prepared for the worst. However, what was unexpected of all is for him to be dropped from the sky and crash on the roof of a moving car. Fortunately, for some reason, his skull didn't crack and his limbs weren't dislocated. In short, he was unscathed.

Where is he now? And where is his Xiao Lou? He didn't say 'goodbye' to Xiao Lou earlier since, as he had said, they will live and die together. He will definitely find him in this Punishment... Room?

He blinked his eyes multiple times to adjust his vision. However, he felt his eyes had finally fell when he saw the very familiar highway where the car – and he, currently is. He would never mistake, this is his, Xiao Lou's, and everyone's world.

He... is back? He thought with his eyes wide in disbelief. However, before he could process everything, a loud voice broke his thoughts.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? What are your motives? How did you know Mr. Ting? Were you sent by someone? How will you compensate Mr. Ting for damaging his car?" a series of questions were asked by the driver. It wasn't that he was a former interrogator. But, he was wary, and also nervous, as he watched the person that fell from the sky.

Yu Hanjiang. "..." it was really fortunate this person's career is a driver. Instead of intimidating the criminals, he will be intimidated by the criminals instead. As a bona fide police officer, the driver's speech pattern, tone of the voice and tragic expression were all noted by him.

Seeing the guarded look of the driver, can he still tell him honestly that he fell from the sky? He immediately slid down the car in a smooth manner and he fixed his clothes. "My name is Yu Hanjiang. I, uh... I fell asleep on a tree." He explained.

The driver is still wary of him so he checked the road and, indeed, there is a tall tree with a wide canopy. "Why were you sleeping on the tree?" he asked.

"... a bad habit." Yu Hanjiang bit the bullet. They can think he's crazy, but he has to find Xiao Lou. Even if he knew this world is just like their original world, but he can't let his guard down. What he is worried of, is that Xiao Lou might be confused. Xiao Lou is smart, but this kind of Punishment Room is tempting. Even he himself wanted to succumb to this world.

The driver is still suspicious, but before he can say anything, the door opened and Yan Ting walked out. Yan Ting's cold and sharp gaze fell on Yu Hanjiang.

Yu Hanjiang was surprised, not of Yan Ting's iceberg beauty but because of his eyes. Those eyes are the eyes of one who had given up on life. This kid is dangerous. He thought. I have to go find Xiao Lou, fast!

He may be panicking inside, but he's calm on the surface. "This is....?" He said.

The driver is still worthy to be one of Yan Ting's subordinates since he can see Yu Hanjiang wasn't acting of not knowing Yan Ting. "This is Mr. Ting, the owner of the car." He said.

Yan Ting, after being honed of discerning people, also noticed that Yu Hanjing is completely clueless as to who he is. "Do you know how to fight?" he asked.

Yu Hanjiang. "?"

The driver. "..." Mr. Ting. I know you were pissed at your bodyguards for letting your aunt into your property and this man may look sincere, but can you not hire him to be a replacement of your bodyguards on a whim?

Is this a setting of the Punishment Room? Yu Hanjiang thought. Though still puzzled, yet he nonetheless answered. "Yes." he knows, this kid can see through a lie for some reason. Is it too late to replace our station's interrogator? He thought when he remembered his workplace.

(The said interrogator whose job is endangered: Achoo!)

Yan Ting, while waiting for Yu Hanjiang's answer, was reading Li Zhao's latest message.

Li Zhao: Huhu. I was suddenly called by the director. There's a follow-up scene for me that's needed to be filmed tonight. QAQ

Li Zhao: well, it is an additional money. Go, go, go for it!

I can provide everything for you if you want. A certain golden thigh named Yan Ting thought. When he heard Yu Hanjiang's answer, he reluctantly removed his gaze on his cellphone's screen. "Then, you come with us." He said. The warm expression on his face when reading Li Zhao's message has disappeared and was replaced by his usual cold expression.

Without waiting for Yu Hanjiang's response, he went back inside the car and closed the door.

Yu Hanjiang. "..."

The driver. "..."

Yu Hanjiang went to the front seat. When the driver started the car, Yan Ting spoke. "Go to xxx studio." He said.

Yu Hanjiang. "..." what are we doing in a studio in the middle of the night?! Anyway, why are kids like you still out this late at night?

The driver who knew the truth. "..." Mr. Ting. Do you really want to expose your identity to Li Zhao?! You're not afraid your romance will end without it even starting?!

However, since you have to bow under someone's eaves, the driver complied while Yu Hanjiang remained silent all throughout the ride –

Or so he thought. 

(A/N: 'meat pie falling from the sky' meant a blessing or present from heaven. Here, it was taken in literal sense. XDDD)

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