In a world where video games become a part of society, Zero along with an amnesiac girl Tari, must a find a way to take TASCORP to justice while helping her to recover her lost memories.
The OC "Zero" is owned by me
Meta Runner is owned by "SMG4" an...
Unamed Scientist: "Video games are EVERYTHING! Jobs, entertainment, lifestyle! It's the engine that powers society itself, and to make it in this society you need to win.... a lot. Be it in FPS games, platformers, battle royales, you name it. There are gamers who train EVERY waking moment of their life with the hopes of becoming the best. And at the top of the food chain, you have . People who are willing to replace their limbs just for a boost in accuracy, dexterity and performance."
A red haired Meta Runner is shown succeeding against the purple haired Meta Runner, as she is shown holding her by the elbow in good spirit, whispering in her ear whilst giving the thumbs up to the crowd. The other gives a simple "peace" sign whilst smiling awkwardly
Unamed Scientist: "With legions of fans who adore them, Meta Runners are the best of the best! ...That is..."
An unnamed lab
A scientist, who is tall, brown haired man in a white and blue jacket is staring at something with an exciting look on his face.
Unamed Scientist: "...until the world sees what I have planned. Until the world sees you, ..Tari"
Back in the same lab, now darkened and abandoned. A blue haired girl who we know as Tari wakes up, gasping. The camera cuts to various different abandoned lab equipment. Tari notices a needle in her right arm, then looks to see her cybernetic arm on her left. She looks surprised.
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Unamed Scientist: "(distorted voiceover in Tari's head) You did it! You beat the game in record time!"
Female 2: "Were so proud of you, Tari!"
End of Flashback...........
Tari removes the needle, gets up starts to walk around the abandoned lab.
Tari: "H-hello? Is anyone there?" (she walks towards the exit door)
Another flashback begins.........
Unamed Scientist: (takes a sip of coffee) "We're going to ramp up the difficulty a bit... All I want is you to try your best."
End flashback.........
Tari stumbles outside and into an alleyway, as she walks towards a bright light.
Unamed Scientist: (distorted voice over in Tari's head) "Oh god no! Oh no, no, no, no, no! Shut off! Shut off!"
flash back to the Scientist in the lab now with a red alarm going off.........