PG:8 Day:4

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THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! You guys are absolutely amazing!💙🖤 ily all and i have socks on so its not gay. (forgive me cor the out of character acts in this chapter.)

○Name of chapter: Its a persons actions that truly matter.》

3rd persons point of view

Hermione wakes up with a pain in her head. Ah the classic hangover.

"Oh did I wake you?" Draco asks. "No I just have a bad headache." She says placing her palm on her forehead. "You and pansy seem to have gotten close." Draco says running his hands through his hair. "Yeah. Why are you up." "I never actually went to sleep." "You know lack of sleep is bad for ones mental health." "Yeah I know that."

He says letting out a stiffed laugh.

"What time is it?" Hermione asked.
"Some time around nine in the morning. Draco says . Hermione nods her head and stretches'. "hey Draco I have a question." Draco looks at Hermione with a eyebrow raised. "what's the question?" " "why do you hate me Ron and Harry so much?" she questions. "I don't actually hate you all but you'd be mental if you think ill admit that to the doffs." "you've called me a mudblood for more than five years." "I was mad and had- have no self control over my actions I was in blinded rage." "were you mad at us?" Hermione asks pulling her knees to her chest. being careful not to pull the blanket from a sleeping pansy. Draco lets out a soft chuckle "no I wasn't mad at you oafs ." "why where you mad?" Hermione asks regretting it as she sees Draco tense up. " you don't have to answer that,"

"I was a kid who was fascinated with Saint harry potter, and when he had declined my request to be friends it actually hurt-" "don't forget you almost cried." pansy says sitting up throwing the blanket off her as she dose. "that's a lie Hermione don't listen to her. men don't cry." "sure dre dre." Hermione smiles. at their friendship. "little Draco was obsessed with harry potter the boy who lived, I didn't know Draco that well back then but I do remember him basically crying to Crabbe and Goyle 'oh potter this and oh potter that' -" there was a hand around pansy's mouth by a now angry Draco preventing her from talking. "pansy stop." Draco says in a very serious voice, pansy starts having a laughing fit.

Draco lets go of her shaking his head.

"ahh I love making Draco mad he gets so red!" "hardy har har very funny." Draco says with a glare in his eyes.

Hermione stands up and makes her way over to harry. harry snaps his eyes shut and pretends to be asleep. "harry wake up." Hermione says with a soft voice, harry lets out a groan and sits up. "why do I need to be up this early?" "its nine thirty in the morning get up you overgrown chinchilla." harry grabs his glasses off of the side table and puts them on. "RONALD GET UP YOU LAZY OAF!" Hermione yells.

Blaise shoots up from his sleep. looking around like he was looking around a battel field. "sorry Blaise." Hermione says as she walks over to Ron. "Ronald I will kick you." "you kick me ill tell my mum" "Ron I'm not scared of your mum." "alright kick me then," Hermione puffs her cheeks out, "thought so." she swings her leg back and kicks him in the gut, "your a mad woman," he says siting up. "I can kick you harder if you'd like, and if you tell molly ill just deny it."

"Mione you are truly evil. kick him again he looked at me weird." Harry says "what no kick him he never gets hurt by you." "that's not true iv hit him multiple times, I just don't like you so you get hit more," she says with a smile "well he skipped about three classes." "you said you wouldn't tell her you lousy knob." "harry Iv lived with boys I'm a snitch if it saves my skin." harry looks at Hermione and she had the angry mother face, harry gets up going to the kitchen. "harry James potter." Hermione says

"Hermione jean granger." He says in a pretend angry voice. "how do you know my middle name?" "I actually don't know I think I herd someone say it once- how do you spell it? I know there are two ways to spell it." he says filing up a glass of cold water. "You can spell it J E A N or G E N E. Ugh stop distracting me now iv forgotten what I was going to yell at you for." "Damn what a bummer I so looking forward to a lecture." harry says with obvious sarcasm walking back into the living space where everyone was sitting. harry walked over to Ron and dumped the water on his head. once the cup was empty harry ran to the room he was staying in and locked the door. "harry you're a dead man." "nope pretty sure my hearts still beating let me check, yeah its still going." 'not for long. Open the door or ill break it down." Ron saying jiggling the door handle. "no I don't think I will." "Hermione I will kill him and I wont fail," Ron says. "okay first off its to early for you two to be fighting. second-" she cuts herself off by putting her finger to her lips and stands up going over to to the kitchen, and grabs a butter knife. "Hermione do not help him you like me more remember," "yeah but he didn't skip classes." she pops the door open and harry runs to the other side of the room.

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