The Port City

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"Hahaha, put me down!" She giggled.

As the sun went down both brother as sister were still out in the open chasing each other in the wildest game of tag. The folks on the harbour no longer minded them dashing through, even enjoyed seeing the playful bond between the two. "Slow poke!" She yelled back at Naoko.
"Hmph, you just run fast." He mumbled after catching his breath. Although he was older, Kana had much longer legs than his. He slowly trudges all the way to the bus stop where he saw her waiting there for him. This was a huge embarrassment. There are certain places around the port that were deemed as checkpoints, and if one had to wait more than a minute, the loser would have to offer piggy back ride to anywhere of their choosing. It was a cruel fait, yet only established 3 years ago. "Giddy up," She hollered. "Dad's coming home tonight!"

Climbing up the dirt road of the hill, all the way to their family inn, the smell of food wafted till it reached the noses of the two heathens. Meat was being seared and the aroma caused by it could only be of one persons. "DAD!" Both charged in through the back doors into the kitchens to see a a man with red hair and a white hair band tied around the forehead. "Soma! Grilled mackerel for table 7!" Head chef of the kitchen repeated after the waitress gave the order. "Yes sir."
"Grandpa. Dad!" Kana greeted, trying not to cause any delay in the food being delivered out. Soma waved his hand signalling he heard her. All sorts of shouting was going on, but they were use to it. Their small inn was a hectic place. Many who came were those who they have never seen, who only came by through reservations a year past just to escape life for a bit, or locals who just wanted some food that could touch their souls. It was a place of memory.

Nighttime arrived and the cooking in the kitchen has yet to cease. It was the most lively time in the whole day of the season. At this time, all locals would come up the hill to celebrate the good catching of the year. Sometimes even the guests would come down and take a look. The unity of these parties is what brought townspeople even closer together than before. All kids were running around, playing in groups, and hovering over the food. The adults drank their share of sake and grilled food over a charcoal grill. Cigarettes weren't common, but there were a few smoking off in the distance. "Ryugi! Your old man is here, and you're still reading a book?!" Soma punches in on the shoulder.
"Well, I mean, you do want to send me to Totsuki, right?" He shifted his glasses and put down the book. "Well let's see how much I've learned." A stare down starts, confirming the challenge.
"Don't go shutting yourself in your room once you lose."
"Fine, but I get to chose what we make." People started gathering around as this happened often. Plenty of food was soon to be passed around.

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