chapter 5: Surprise! Shock! OwO!

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im so sorry ive been absent from this book!! I just uploaded a third book and have been trying to write in that a bit. (its about error falling into dreamswap. a fiadd book.) anyways, enjoy this chapter!



error pov

Blueberry gave me the news. He had planned a little picnic in outertale with all of us, me, red, and lust. I offered to show them my secret spot in outertale and blue said yes. I just had to finish

destroying this au first.

I crushed the codes and jumped into a portal. I landed directly in outertale. I stood by the sign that said 'DANGER' in really big letters. The woods behind the sign were thick and pockmarked with glowing blue trees now and then. Finally, the other three showed up.

We needed this to be hidden because red couldn't be seen. He was having trouble turning back to normal, so he was stuck with his dragon like features. I began to lead them through the woods until we came to a small clearing. It was on the edge of a cliff, and trees wrapped around so the cliff was hidden.

"This is awesome error!" Blue gasped. I smiled proudly. Lust skipped over and laid out a blanket. Blue dropped the basket on it and red dropped a few thermos's to. We sat and dug in. Blue brought the food, red brought the drinks, lust brought the blanket, and I provided the location.

"I like this spot a lot. It has a great view of the stars." I said. Red nodded and looked up. His eyes got wide.

"Woah. Your not kidding! This is the most stars I've ever seen!" He seemed entranced. Lust looked up as well and gazed at the stars. We were all so distracted watching the sky, that I almost missed feeling inkys presence.

Key word: almost. I jolted.

"Go! You need to get out of here." I hissed stop the other three confused skeletons.

"Wha-" he didn't have time to finish because I teleported them into the woods. I made eye contact and signaled they needed to be quiet. They knew to listen and I heard no noise from them. The ink crashed through the trees, pointing his paintbrush at me.

"Error." He said darkly.

"That is my name." He glared harder and I put on a malicious smirk. Suddenly something hit me from behind. In my worry with ink, I didn't notice Dream behind me. He whacked me in the head again with his bow and i stumbled. Ink took that time to chain me in purple ink. I writhed and thrashed but was stuck.

Ink stepped into a portal and Dream grabbed me and began to drag me through the portal. I saw red breathe out smoke and blue and lust hold him back.

"I'll be fine! Just remember to stay calm!!" I called and Dream radiated confusion.

"Who are you talking too?" I didn't answer him, instead I called back to the others in hiding.

"Lay low. Stay out of trouble." Dream looked in the direction I was but didn't see anything. I was pulled all the way through the portal and it was closed behind me. He dragged me all the way to a cell. He unceremoniously dropped me on the ground and locked the door. The chains disappeared except for the ones that tied my hands together.

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