Chapter 1 the spell

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"In the land of the Au called Eclipse-Tale there lived two power cores one for Positivity and one for Negativity, and then the power cores changed into Sans named, Luna-Eclipse and Moon-Rise and they lived perfectly fine until one day,and that's where we are the day they wanted to do a spell"
Luna-Eclipse: -sighs-
Moon-Rise: are you sure this is a good idea brother?
Luna-Eclipse: yes I'm sure brother but one of us has to do the spell.
Moon-Rise: I'll do it brother -while holding the spell book-
Luna-Eclipse: no you can't your the God of Positivity and I'm the God of Negativity -walks over to his brother and grabs the spell book- you just can't do the spell -walks over to the tree-
"And Luna-Eclipse said the spell and then everything starts to turn dark and black and then Luna-Eclipse starts to scream in pain on the ground"
Moon-Rise: BROTHER!
"Then the protector of Au's came into the Au with a friend"
Splatter: -runs to Moon-Rise and grabs his arm- we have to leave it's not safe here anymore!
Moon-Rise: NO! I'm not leaving my brother behind -gets out of Splatter's grip-
Splatter: -he tries and to grab Moon-Rises arm- no Moon-Rise -turns to Moon-Berry- go get the og dreamtale twins!
Moon-Berry: -nods his head yes and teleports to the og dreamtale Au-
"When Moon-Berry left it was too late Luna-Eclipse had turned into Lunar-Eclipse and then things went south from there"
Lunar-Eclipse: your brother is gone.
Moon-Rise: -starts to tear up- n-no p-please n-no -cries-
Lunar-Eclipse: -looks at Splatter and attacks him and knocks him to the ground-
Splatter: ahh! -hits the ground with a thud has fear in his eyes- p-please s-stop w-we c-can t-talk a-about t-this
Lunar-Eclipse: -kneels down and laughs a little- there's nothing to talk about.
Splatter: -looks at Moon-Rise and looks down- I'm sorry Moon-Rise -teleports away-
Lunar-Eclipse: well isn't that sad?
Moon-Rise: -looks at what was his brother and starts to cry and shake of fear-
'And then Lunar-Eclipse started to kill the villagers and after they are all dead he had a tentacle around his brother's neck and then Moon-Berry and the dreamtale twins came but they were too late "
Moon-Berry: -puts his hands over his mouth- oh my god what did you do!
Lunar-Eclipse: -turns his head- well, well what do we have here? -throws his brother at the tree and walks over to them but not to close-
Moon-Berry: what did you do him?
Lunar-Eclipse: nothing much.
Moon-Rise: -has little creaks all over him and one of his eyes is stone-
Moon-Rise: you did something to him his hurt, why don't you care!
Lunar-Eclipse: -wraps one of his tentacles around Moon-Berry's neck- you don't how it feels to be emotionless to not feel anything!
Moon-Berry: -starts to gasp for air a little-
Moon-Rise: -tries to get up and has the tree to help him stand up- hey focus on me not him or them.
Lunar-Eclipse: -laughs- still not giving up huh?
Moon-Rise: -has faith in his eyes-
Lunar-Eclipse: -laughs a little- alright -drops Moon-Berry and wraps one of his tentacles around his brother's legs and lefts him up- when will you accept fate brother?
Moon-Rise: b-because I w-won't l-let y-you w-win!
Lunar-Eclipse: -sighs- you never know when to give up do you?
Moon-Rise: y-yep
Lunar-Eclipse: but you will never bet me! -throws his brother in front of the dreamtale twins-
Moon-Rise: ahh! -one of his rids break and he puts one of his arms in front of it and tries to get up-
Dream: -helps him stand up straight- you can't fight him anymore your hurt badly
Moon-Rise: I won't stop till I get my brother back!
Nightmare: -stands in front of him- if you continue to try and get him back you will get yourself killed, do you want that?
Moon-Rise: : n-no.
Lunar-Eclipse: -laughs- I know you were weak brother -cuts the tree down with one of his tentacles-
Moon-Rise: -feels a part of him die- n-no n-not t-the t-tree
Lunar-Eclipse: -laughs- bye -teleports away-
"To Be Continued"

"Hey this going to be the first story with chapters but I hope you enjoyed chapter one I will make more when the week goes by but for now bye!!!"

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