Chapter 3: pain

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"So Nightmare and Killer are in the castle and is in front of Lunar-Eclipses office door"
Night-Killer: -knocks on the door-
Lunar-Eclipse: come in
Night-Killer: -opens the door- boss two people want to talk to you.
Lunar-Eclipse: send them in
Night-Killer: -sends Nightmare and Killer in-
Lunar-Eclipse: I heard you two wanted to talk to me is that right?
Nightmare: yes
Lunar-Eclipse: well please sit -points at two chairs-
Nightmare and Killer: -sits in the chairs-
Lunar-Eclipse: so can you two please take down your hoods, I like to see who I'm talking to.
Nightmare: -sighs and takes down his hood-
"When Nightmare took down his hood he was in his past form"
Killer: -takes down his hood but has a blindfold over his eyes-
Lunar-Eclipse: so what are your names?
Nightmare: I'm Nighty
Killer: I'm Sun-Set
Lunar-Eclipse: nice to meet you both
"In the basement with Moon-Rise and X-Cross"
Moon-Rise: -starts to scream in pain-
X-Cross: Moon, what's happening?
Moon-Rise: it hurts -starts to cough up blood and red and black flower pebbles-
X-Cross: Moon!
Dust: -comes down the stairs- what's with all the screaming?
X-Cross: something is happening to Moon!
Dust: so am I suppose to care? -sighs and walks to Moon-Rises cell and sees that he has been coughing up blood and red and black flower pebbles- I'll be right back -runs up the stairs and finds Night-Killer- Killer Moon-Rise is coughing up blood and some flower pebbles
Night-Killer: really show me.
Dust: -nods and shows Night-Killer-
Night-Killer: oh god,go get the boss.
Dust: but he's talking to people.
Night-Killer: now!
Dust: fine -runs up both cases of stairs-
Moon-Rise: -flowers start to form over his eyes- it hurts -continues to cough up blood and red and black flower pebbles-
Dust: -open the door-
Lunar-Eclipse: Dust can't you see I'm busy?
Dust: yes I know but one of the prisoners started to cough up blood and red and black flower pebbles!
Lunar-Eclipse: What! I'm sorry you two we can talk later -gets out of his seat and walks to Dust- watch those two and I'll check it out
Dust: yes boss -moves out of the way and walks to Nightmare and Killer-
Lunar-Eclipse: -walks out of the room and walks down both cases of stairs-
Dust: -shuts the door- why are both of you here?
Nightmare: we are here to rescue Moon-Rise and who else Lunar captured
Dust: -sighs- I'll help you
Killer: -takes of his blindfold and looks at him- you will do what?!
Dust: I said I'll help you too
Nightmare: why?
Dust: because I miss being your pawn Nightmare and I miss being with my friend -looks at Killer-
Nightmare: ok thanks
Dust: yep your welcome boss
Horror: -is behind the door and opens the door- me too
Killer: -gets up from his chair and walks to Horror and hugs him- welcome back -and punches his shoulder-
Horror: -laughs- I'm glad I'm back
"With Lunar-Eclipse and Night-Killer"
Lunar-Eclipse: what is happening Killer?
Night-Killer: -points at Moon-Rises cell-
Lunar-Eclipse: -walks to the cell door and looks in the cell and sees that his brother is in pain, opens the cell and walks to his brother- What happened Killer?
Night-Killer: I d-don't k-know, Dust just found him like that
X-Cross: -gets a flashback of him and Moon-Rise in a lab and seeing Sci!Sans eject something in Moon-Rise- it was Sci he took me and Moon for lab rats and he eject something in him and me but he eject a lot of things him
Lunar-Eclipse: that little prick -sighs- Killer take my brother and get Horror to take X to the health room
Night-Killer: -nods and grabs Moon-Rise and calls for Horror-
Horror: I have to go -walks out of the room and walks down both cases of stairs- yes?
Night-Killer: take X and we have to get this two the health room
Horror: ok -walks to X-Crosses cell and unlocks the cell door and unhooked X-Crosses chain- let's go
"No Horror did not take the chain off X-Crosses neck"'
Both: -walks to the health room with Moon-Rise and X-Cross-
Night-Killer: -puts Moon-Rise down on the bed in the room-
Horror: -hooks X-Cross to the wall and puts some chains on X-Crosses wrists- stay here
X-Cross: like I'm going anywhere
Moon-Rise: -more flowers form over his eyes- b-brother it hurts so much -screams in pain and coughs up more blood and red,black flower pebbles-
Night-Killer: oh god -checks Moon-Rises soul- oh my god...
Horror: what is it -turns around and sees Moon-Rises soul-
Moon-Rise: -his soul has multiple creaks-
" To Be Continued"

"Hey guys sorry if this took a long time but I hope you enjoy it bye!!!"

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