Chapter 4:his soul?!

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Horror: oh god -looks at X-Cross-
X-Cross: don't look at me it was Sci not me
Night-Killer: who knows how to heal souls?
Milkway: -is looking at them through a code- hm,how interesting.... Hey Glitch me!
Glitch!Milkway: yes?
Milkway: -shows him the code- can you go heal his soul?
Glitch!Milkway: sure -touches the code and went in the code and is in the castle- what now M?
Milkway: first put up your hood and hide your error's and control your glitching
Glitch!Milkway: alright -puts up his hood and controls his glitching and hides his error's- now what?
Milkway: walk up the stairs case that leads up because there's sans in there and one of them knows how to get into the health room
Glitch!Milkway: ok -walks up the stairs the lead up and walks to Lunar-Eclipses office and pops his head in- hello?
Everyone in the room: points their weapons at him-
Glitch!Milkway: woah geez -walks all the way and is in the door frame- all I said was hi you don't need to point those things at me
Dust: who are you?
Glitch!Milkway: -mumbles- M I need your help and I don't know how to tell them why I'm here
Milkway: -is looking at codes- I'm coming in
Glitch!Milkway: -mumbles- your what!
Milkway: I'm coming in -puts all the codes away and opens a portal and walks into the portal- hello and I know all of you and his here to help one of your friends
Glitch!Milkway: -mumbles- why are you og me M
Milkway: -looks at Glitch!Milkway- take down your hood g and you can stop controlling and hiding your things
Glitch!Milkway: yes -takes off his hood and stops hiding his error's and stops controlling his glitching- I feel so free
Killer: your glitching like Error but even more worse
Glitch!Milkway: I'll take that as a compliment
Dust: -looks at Milkway- what do you mean his here to help a friend?
Milkway: oh....his here to help Moon-Rise!
Nightmare: what?! What for?
Milkway: -groans- I hate explaining things sighs and opens a code and shows the others- I sent him here to help heal his soul
Killer: oh god
Glitch!Milkway: -just standing in the door frame while glitching-
Milkway: but he needs to get to the healing room
Dust: I can get him there?
Milkway: great just tell him the codes and you and him well get there
Dust: ok -walks over to Glitch!Milkway and tells him the codes-
Glitch!Milkway: -opens some codes and puts in the codes and opens a portal on the floor and grabs Dust's arm and jumps in with Dust-
Dust: -falls in the portal head first-
Night-Killer: -looks up and sees the portal and moves out of the way-
Glitch!Milkway: -falls out the portal with Dust and lands feet first-
Dust: -falls out of the portal and lands on the floor head first and then stands up quickly-
Horror: -laughs a little-
Dust: -shoots a death glare at Horror-
Glitch!Milkway: -punches Dust in the gut-
Dust: gah -puts one of his arms over where Glitch!Milkway had punched him-
Glitch!Milkway: hi I'm Glitch!Milkway and I was sent here by my creator to heal his soul or I might have to give him a new one
Night-Killer: please -walks out of Glitch!Milkway's way-
Glitch!Milkway: -nods and walks over to Moon-Rise and pulls out his soul-
Moon-Rise: -stops screaming and stops moving-
X-Cross: what did you do! You killed him!
Glitch!Milkway: -summons a metal mask and puts over X-Crosses mouth- I did no such thing, this is how I heal souls -summons pictures of sanses he has giving a second chance at life and surrounds them with the pictures- this are the many sanses I've helped them get a second chance at life
Night-Killer: -looks at one picture-
Glitch!Milkway: I also give sanses souls is they don't have one two -makes all the pictures but two go away- this two are Ink and Splatter they both didn't have a soul so I gave them one -while still working on Moon-Rises soul- god who did this to his soul I would've been done by now.
Horror: X has told me that Sci did it.
Glitch!Milkway: -sighs and has Moon-Rises soul floating in the air and has codes beside him-  hmmm. -looks at Moon-Rises codes and sighs with bad exhale-
Night-Killer: what's wrong?
Glitch!Milkway: I can't heal this soul, whatever this Sci did it's not fixable, I need to give him a new soul -shows them Moon-Rises soul- I can't fix or heal a soul with a lot of creaks -sighs and makes a new soul with his other hand and puts it in Moon-Rise and puts Moon-Rises old soul in this plastic bottle- there now it's safe -and opens a portal and puts it in a self- this isn't the first one
Night-Killer: well he live?
Glitch!Milkway: let's see -taps on Moon-Rises left arm-
Moon-Rise: -starts to gasp for air and the flowers start to go away-
X-Cross: -is shock and happy-
Glitch!Milkway: that's take that away -makes the metal mask go away- there!
X-Cross: thanks I guess
Glitch!Milkway: I have to go
Night-Killer: wait how do we contact you if we need your help!
Glitch!Milkway: oh -laughs- silly me here -gives Night-Killer some blueish redish string- just give that a little tug and then I will come, bye -goes through a portal that appeared by him-
Milkway: whay took you so long?
Glitch!Milkway: they kept taking my attention away from what I was suppose to do
Milkway: sure~
Glitch!Milkway: oh shush well ya
"To Be Continued"

"So I hope you enjoyed this and Milkway is my oc for gacha life and Glitch!Milkway is a part of him but barely shows that he is apart of him but yeah bye ^w^"

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