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Trentons P.O.V

My Heart beated fast as I listened to My Phones direction and the sound of my sisters cries.
Taking the phone I hung up not caring if Angel sees me cry.
"Ima Kill who ever the fuck that is" I growled slamming my fist hard My head spinning.
Talking a Sharp left I speed down a back road.
"Stay calm for your sisters!" She tried to remind me.
Turning again We came up on the house.
I stopped Hard jumping out of my seat flying if I could have to the front door.
I could Hearc all the kids crying Kalani still screaming for him to get off her.
I slammed my shoulder on the door Twice breaking it open. Seeing him on top of her My eye went black as I Grabbed him Tossing him to the wall across the room.
Stomping his way I threw my timberland boot to his face three times.
"Who the fuck are you?" Im assuming the foster mother came out the room as Angel was making sure Kalani was Ok.
"Ive Already called the cops on yall sick asses!" Angel yelled running up to the lady. She doged her taking off through the back door.
I picked the nigga up slamming his back to the wall.
Looking through all the blood my face fell.
"Representative of the state" I Mumbled.
Bringing his stomach to my Knee I hit him repeatedly.
"Dont Kill him Trent Stop!" Angel Yelled behind me.
"Fuck That!" I grunted.
"Not In front of the kids kids Trent stop"
Pausing I watched at he laid out cold blood covering his broken up face.
"Take them outside-"
"Trent you too-"
"TRENT IM NOT FUCKING MOVING UNTIL YOU LEAVE OUT THE DAMN DOOR!" Hearing The cop Sirens I walked outside waiting, Angel Putting Kalani In my Car.
"Go grab what You Can Lakisha" Angel said as she walked up to the Cop car that pulled up.
"Hello sir" she stood back as the Cop got out. "You called"
"Yes sir... Their ... Foster dad is pretty beat up.. he was raping His siter when we found him." The Cop shook his head. Walking past me he gave me a small head Nod. I think I Knew his uncle.
"Ouu he did a number on buddy" the cop said from inside the house.
The female cop Stood outside talking to Angel.
"So an ambulance its on its way... do you mind bringing her in for a rape kit?"
Angel Looked at me and I cleched my jaw.
"I aint got a Choice if I want him in jail aint it"
The cop gave ms a sympathetic nod.
"You can ride with her if you want"
"I will" Angel Looked to me.
"Ok ... just wait here until it arrives."
Angel came over to me wiping my face.
"I love You" she wispered hugging me.
"I Failed them Bruh" I squeezed her crying.
"You were trying!"
"I wasnt trying hard enough... I didnt think... I Didn't know"
Angel Rubbed my back whispering in my ear.
"You Are here Now Trent... you got them"
"I should Kill Him... Ima sue the fucking state Angel .. Its the rep of the fucking-"
"Trent I Know! We gunna do that ! I promise you ! But you need to be strong for them traumatized kids right now."
Seeing the ambulance pull up Angel Gave me a quick kiss Going to the stretcher walking to the car.
Kalani was reluctant at first crying that she didnt want to leave but after Angel told her she's was staying with her she immediately calmed down.
Watching them walk past me again More tears fell seeing my sister in this predicament.
"Mr.Reece Mind coming to the Jail House for some questions?" A officer asked. Nodding my head I agreed.
"Let My siblings Finishing gathering everything they need."


"How did You Know where They Lived?" The detective Asked me.
"Uh... my girlfriend bought her a phone. We told her to use it for emergencies because her foster parents aint buy her one, my little sister Kisha called us and told us"
She nodded her head writting that down.
"Can I go now My sister is at the hospital."
She nodded yes after saying.
"Shes going to have to Testify if she wants him to stay in prison longer... we'll give you a call in a couple of days to confirm." She got up escorting me out
"Thank you for your time"
I walked out to Kisha An Terrell sitting with an officer at a play table.
"Lets go yall"
I grabbed their hands.

Coming Up to An arguement between Angel and the Caseworker Ms.jennings I sat the kids down In Kalanis room.
"When I First got this case she Wasn't with him!" Ms.jennings yelled.
"What fuck does that matter!? Its been 8 fucking months since you did a home visit! Do yall Fuck tards even give a fuck back there!?" Angel Looked at me Anger throughout her whole face.
"They found lacerations wounds healed from 7 fucking months ago! He destroyed her insides Trent!" She started to cry. "They are in there preforming a deeper rape kit on a 12 year old little girl an all this bitch can say is she wasnt dating that man when she first got the case the fuck type of shit is that!" Pulling her into a hug I Looked at the caseworker.
"Shes right, an I want him to have the death penalty"
She nodded her head. " and I will fight for that... but he wont say where Logan Their foster mother is."
"Dont tell me that" I chuckled shaking my head. Angel laughed mockingly walking away to the kids.
"Shes was getting in my ass" The case worker let out. "I want to too, but I dont have the time... I wann beat everyone ass for letting this happen... mine included Find that fucking lady before I do." And I walked Off.

We aint get to Leave the hospital Until 3 In the morning, the kids passed out.
When we got to the house angel helped me carry them to the rooms.
"I cant believe this shit" whispering she shut the girls door.
"Them mutha fuckas Lucky as fuck!" I punched my wall breaking a hole in it.
Angel grabbed my hand shaking her head.
"Come on" she pulled me to the bathroom.
Sitting me on the toilet she turned the water on.
"Dont be doing that dumb shit"
Cleaning my cuts she looked up at me.
"Its going to get better."
"An how You Know that?"
She shrugged.
"I dont, but ima pray On it."
"What I do know is.. they are here with you...right now."
I looked up at her
"Yea You Right"

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