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"I didn't know."

Ren and Rosé sat at the kitchen table eating the lunch Jennie left for them before leaving for work. Ren, wiped his hands, "Honest, Rosie, I really didn't know."

"Then I guess I'm not the only one who was left in the dark."

He watched as she played with her food, "What day is she leaving?"

"She didn't say."

"You can always talk this out tonight? There must be a reason why she left it so late to inform you?"

"I don't think I even want to know," sighed Rosé.

"I'm sorry mate," quipped Ren.

She smiled at him, "So am I."

"What? I thought you told her weeks ago," said Jisoo

"I wanted to. I was going to. But things just kept popping up."

Jisoo placed down her sandwich, "Now we both know that is bullshit Jennie. The two of you live in the same house. There were plenty of opportunities for you to tell her," some of the other nurses came into the breakroom.

"I just didn't know how to approach it ok? I didn't want to make her feel bad. Like now we've all left the cottage and it's just going to be her. I didn't want her to overthink things."

Jisoo was completely unconvinced by what Jennie said, "She's a grown woman. Quite an independent one if you ask me. I think she would've handled this just fine if you told her sooner. But now you spring it on her and plan on leaving just like that. She's going to feel more abandoned this way."

"But I'm not abandoning her," said Jennie, "I'm going to visit her all the time."

Jisoo snorted, "As if Cass would agree to that."

"Cass knows Rosé's my friend. She's changed, things aren't like they were before."

"It's not that simple Jen. People don't just change because of one thing they adjusted in their life. It takes time. Far more time than Cass was given to get you to go back to her. I mean why did you even get back with her?"

"Because...I owe it to her. To us. To try one last time."

"At the expense of losing possibly the most important person in your life?"

Jennie's eyes flickered, "Meaning what Chu?"

Jisoo shook her head, "Honestly, how can you not see what's exactly in front of you," she took a big bite from her bread, "I told you before Cass isn't the one for you. But then again, maybe you don't deserve the person who is," she let the words soil the air.

"Is it that bad of me to have faith in Cass?"

"No, I'm just saying it hasn't worked before," her friend frowned, "Look Jen, I'm just telling you how I feel. Regardless, you're going to do things you're way. And even if I don't agree with it, I'll still be here to support you."

"Thank you, Chu."

Kuma laid sleeping on her stomach as she stared up at the ceiling. The sound of a car engine, made her shift. Locking the door behind her, Jennie walked into the living room and saw the two on the couch.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," said Rosé.

"Look Rosie about not telling you," Jennie felt the unease in her stomach again.

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