Part One

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"Don't wait until the end of the semester to panic, start panicking now." He began the class with a simple joke.

I glanced around, noticing every girl snickering, a bit more than necessary. Each of them were watching intensely, similar to lions before attacking gazelles. The room was half male, and half female, with the guys at a slight disadvantage. He paced across the floor, slowly observing the class, before continuing. "This is college, not high school. You should know what's expected of you, which is why I won't remind you. I'm sure you've heard all of the rules and regulations, and if you haven't, don't expect me to read them anytime soon."

More snickers filled the room, making him smile at his own humor.

"Well, what can we expect from you, Mr.Garrett?" A girl called, batting her eyes flirtatiously.

"Lots of homework, lots of tests. I'll see you all Thursday."
That's it? I imagined my first day of class lasting longer than ten minutes. Since it was the first week, I figured things would be short, but not this short.

I clutched my book bag, and threw it around my shoulder, heading toward the exit. There was a line forming at the door, while Mr.Garrett shook everyone's hand. I extended my hand when reaching him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mr.Garrett." He smiled, swallowing my small palm with his.

"I'm Kymbrell."

"Nice meeting you, Kymbrell."

Making my way down the hall with the other students, I overheard two of my classmates. "Damn he was fine! I couldn't keep my eyes off of him!"

"Hell yeah, I'm guessing he's like twenty-eight-or-nine."

"Mmmhmm! I can't wait until Thursday!"

After my next two classes, I headed back to my dorm, and tucked myself under the sheets. It was only the early afternoon, but I was exhausted. My roommate made it clear that she would rarely be there, so I could make the place my own. She explained that her parents, unlike mine, lived close to the campus.

When I got the scholarship, I didn't hesitate to move away. I was thousands of miles from home, and it still wasn't far enough for me. The only negative, was that I had no friends around. I saw others walking around with their friends and it bothered me, knowing that I couldn't share the experience with someone.

My days would consist of spending mornings in class, and nights in my dorm.

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