Chapter Three

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"I didn't know she was your roomate."

"You're telling me this because?"

"Because, you seem like a cool chick. A chick that I would like to get to know... better."

"No thanks. I'm not into your type." I tried walking away, while he paced behind me.

"My type? What's my type?"

"Your type, you know what I mean..."

"Nah, I don't."

"Well, I don't have time to explain. See you later."

"I could walk you back to your dorm, if you want. You look tired."

"I'm fine. Maybe next time."

"Maybe next time, then." We parted ways, and I went off to my dorm.

         The entire week passed, before it was club night again. Everyone had flooded out the bathrooms, and I could hear the loud music blasting through the halls. Tonight was the night I would actually have fun.

        I ended up digging through all of my clothes, before finding the perfect dress. It was short, black, and revealing. After showering, styling my hair, and doing my makeup, my roommate, entered the dorm. "Hey Kimmy, where are you going?"

"I wanted to try the club out."

"Really?! How about you ride with me?!"

"Yeah, okay..."


     Thirty minutes into the club scene, and I was actually enjoying myself. It was packed with college students, and I had lost my roommate thirty seconds after entering. It didn't bother me, since I was the loner type. I sat aside, watching everyone enjoy themselves before feeling a finger run across my neck. Turning quickly, and recognizing Quarterback, I twisted my lip. "I'll be happy, when you find someone else to stalk!"

"What's in your cup?"

"Cranberry juice, I can't buy any liquor."

"Do you want some?"

I shrugged my shoulders, watching his eyes admire my body. "I'll get you some, okay?"

I nodded, watching him turn away, heading to the bar.

          Ten minutes had passed, and he still hadn't made it back. My roommate walked over, with a huge grin. "Here! Take this!" She shouted over blaring speakers.  I grabbed the small cup, and gulped the strong drink down. "What is it?"


Then the finger ran across my neck, causing me to turn. "Here..."

"Took you long enough!" I complained, pulling the glass from his hand. I took down another shot, and turned back to my roommate. "You remember him, don't you?"

"Uh, yeah... I remember."

"Well dance with him! Maybe he'll leave me alone." I pushed her into his arms, as he caught her on instinct. The both of them gave each other disgusted and awkward stares, while I stood confused. Not too long ago, they were kicking me out to have sex, now they hated each other?

     My body began to tingle, and my legs started wobbling on my heels. Resting my hand against the wall, I batted my eyes to get a clear view of my surroundings, which was unsuccessful. After a few minutes of the wall supporting my body, I realized that I had been drugged.

         My vision was blurry, and it felt like the heat was on full blast. The music seemed louder than before, and I was sure that if I didn't get out of the club, I would go deaf. "Kimmy!" Quarterback pulled my arm, preventing me from moving. "Where are you going?"

I grabbed his shirt, and tried to push him away. "What did you put in my drink?"

"What? I ain't put nothing in nothing!" He backed away, looking shocked.

I used the space to get away and exit the club. Car horns blew as I covered my ears to stop the sounds. I was crossing in moving traffic, and I was sure my life would end in the middle of the street. Safely, I made it across, and to a gas station. Walking inside, I searched for a bottle of water to cool down, with no success.


         "Kymbrell... Kym-"

"Stop yelling!" I fussed, looking up at the blurry stranger, while crouched down on the gas station floor.

"What happen to you?" He asked, wiping at the cold sweat on my forehead.

"They spiked my drink."

"Who? Who spiked your drink?" It was Mr.Garrett's voice, I knew it like clockwork.

"Quarterback... did it. I know he did." I felt a cool breeze between my legs, before remembering that I didn't wear panties. From my position, I knew anyone looking could see my lady parts, which meant Mr.Garrett might have saw. Crossing my thighs like a child, I wiped my eyes, hoping to gain my vision.

"I'll take you to the hospital, Kymbrell."

"No!" I slapped his extended hand. "I can't go there!"

"Well let me take you back to your dorm."

"Not there either! If they find out I'm drunk... they might kick me out!" I was on the verge of crying, as he helped me up.

"Let's go."

          I didn't know how long we had been driving, but when the car stopped, I felt it. My door opened and Mr.Garrett was pulling me out of the passenger's seat. "Watch your step." He warned, as I tried keeping my balance on the high heels.

My mind said one thing, but my body did another. "I can't walk..." I looked up to him, searching his face. He kneeled down, removing the heels, before picking me up and carrying me into his, well what I assumed was his home.


        Mr.Garrett placed me on the couch, before putting the shoes near. "Thank you."

"I'll get you a shirt." He stated, observing the drenched dress.

He assisted me to his bathroom, before giving me the privacy to change. My heart was beating out of my chest, and the sweat was nonstop.

        I eased down the hall, before finding a place on his sofa. "Do you know the name of the person who put something in your drink?" Mr.Garrett asked, handing me a bottle of water.

"No, but he's the quarterback." I took a sip and rested across the sofa, waiting to cool down.

     When I woke up with a sheet spread across my body, I stretched my legs and rose from the sofa, in a zombie-like state. The living room was dark, but the street lights from outside, were shinning through the blinds. I needed to thank him, for taking me to a safe place.

    Creeping through the halls of his home, I stopped infront of his bedroom, where I noticed the door slightly ajar. He was sleeping, so I thought about going back to bed, but I couldn't stop staring at him. He looked so sexy sleeping, that I could feel my pussy tingling, from only watching him. I could feel the perspiration building again, as I took short breaths. My first thought was to walk away, but my legs wouldn't move. The drugs hadn't worn off, and deep down inside, I wanted to stay.

      Pushing the door open, and easing inside, I took my time tiptoeing across the carpet. When I finally made it to his bed, I climbed onto the mattress, and continued to stare. My conscious mind would have never took it this far, but I couldn't control my curiosity. His long legs stretched across the sheets, while one arm rested behind his head.

        Moving closer, I positioned both of my thighs over him, straddling until his mid area met mine. There was no constraint, being that I was this horny. I placed both of my palms on his chest, grinding against his dick, and hoping to feel an erection.

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