A Princess's Story

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Mario had just gotten back from one of the galaxies that he was exploring, and he landed out in the front by the terrace. He expected to see the ruler of the cosmos in front of him, but to his surprise she wasn't there. Not even Polari, the ruler's most-trusted advisor, was there. Now that he thought about it...when Mario looked around, he barely saw any Lumas. What was going on? Where were they?

He decided to take a quick look around the lower level of the Observatory. (Since he hasn't powered the upper level yet.) He looked around the area. The fountain, kitchen, bedroom, terrace. No one was in sight. The only area he didn't check...was the library. Of course, Mario thought it was interesting. He didn't expect to see a library on an Observatory. He has passed it, but he thought it was a personal place. A place to escape the outside.

Were the Lumas, and possibly the ruler, be in there? He didn't want to invade any privacy if they were really in there...but he wanted to know where everyone was. Cautiously, he walked through the doors of the library.

When he walked into the room he stood in the doorway, and his eyes widened seeing the Lumas floating in the room as Polari floated beside the ruler of the cosmos, Rosalina. She was sitting on a rocking chair and she had a book sitting on her lap. Mario wasn't sure what to do, so he just stood in the doorway and Rosalina looked at the Lumas.

"Let us begin!" She spoke in her calm, motherly voice. Everytime Rosalina spoke, Mario could feel that sense of tranquility. Her voice was so calming...relaxing...motherly. However, her expressions barely showed any emotion. Despite having a serene voice, her expressions are always blank. Why? How? Rosalina opened the storybook to the first page, and began to read.


Our story begins a very, very long time ago with a young girl One day, this girl spotted a rusted spaceship holding a small star child

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Our story begins a very, very long time ago with a young girl One day, this girl spotted a rusted spaceship holding a small star child.

Our story begins a very, very long time ago with a young girl One day, this girl spotted a rusted spaceship holding a small star child

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"What's your name? Are you lost?" the girl asked the star child. "I'm Luma, and I'm waiting for Mama. She's coming for me on a comet!" said the star child, who had been waiting day and night.

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