Chapter 4: What happened this summer

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After lunch me, Hermione, Harry, and Ron start off to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

There's students all throughout the hallways looking for their classes, it's hard to get anywhere. Kids are crowding through the hall and I can't find my balance, I'm being shoved into walls for crying out loud.
Trying to keep up with my friends I look down and see food all across the floor from lunch.
"Oh gross!" I say.

I'm falling behind from Harry Ron and Hermione so I decide to go to the teachers lounge, no one goes in there anyways, one late class won't hurt and besides I heard the new DADA teacher is nice.

When I entered the room it was dark, there was a fire lit and a sofa but no lights on.

I walk over to the arm chair and sit while I wait for this mayhem to be over. The room was small, there were books aligned on the walls.
There had been a coffee pot and a seating area. It was warm, and cozy.

As I stare at the fire I hear someone clear their throat.
Curiously, I walk over. My wand ready in my hand in fear, who else could possibly be in here?

"Lumos" I say, with my wand in my hand.
"Bloody hell, get the wand out of my face would you?" They said
"Draco! What're you doing in here?" I say in shock. I looked at him for a moment before he said anything. He was wearing his Slytherin robes and reading a potions book.
"Same thing you're doing. I can't get anywhere in those hallways and food is getting all over my brand new shoes." He replies.
"Why didn't you say anything? You know, when I walked in." I ask.

He stares at me for a moment, looking me up and down clearly judging my lack of appearance.

"I didn't want to talk to you, I came in here to read and wait."
"So, are you going to quidditch try outs?" He says curiously.
"Why do you car- I mean, yes." I say, remembering not to be so defensive.
"Hm, I'll see you there then." He says as he walks off to the door.

Last time we spoke together was quidditch camp. He had gotten hurt and of course I had to be the one to help him.
When he's not around all his stupid friends he's not that bad to be around.
He made a few jokes I would hate to say I laughed at and he wasn't such a jerk all the time. I mean I could actually speak to him and he wouldn't throw and insult my way. I liked that side of Draco, even though I hate to admit it I believe there's good in him.

Three months ago~

"I don't think I can handle another day of this" I say to myself.
All summer I've been doing much worse than usual.

At Hogwarts I played chaser for the Gryffindor team. I was offered a spot here at the quidditch camp last year by Professor Dumbledore.

Mum almost didn't let me go. She said "with all this evil going around it's not fit for a young lady to travel without her superiors."

I hated when she did this, she worries too much.
I was able to convince her after telling her I'd get all A's this year (which I've been failing to do so).

After a long day at practice I go and sit down at the bench.
I unlace my shoes and breath heavily.
I had bruises all over me, my waist, my thighs, my arms, everywhere it seemed like.
I'm sore and tired, at this point I wish I had listened to mum.

As I'm walking back to my tent I feel a hand grab onto mine.

"You've left your broom" they said.
"Oh thank you" I had been too tried to make out who they were and it was too dark to see.

"Hey um, do you need some help? You seem to be dozing off."
When they said this, I recognized the voice almost immediately. It was deep, but soft. It was Draco's.

If I hadn't been able to tell it was him, he most certainly wouldn't have been able to tell it was me.

"No I'm alright." I say continuing my way back to my tent. He hadn't said anything as I started off, he probably realized who he was talking to.

The way he approached me was weird, if he were in school, with all his friends, he would've left my broom there, and he wouldn't even thought of speaking to me.

Throughout the course of the summer me and Draco had weird approaches like this.
I never knew what to say to him, he was almost..bipolar. Around his friends he had nothing but horrible things to say, but when we were alone it was almost like he didn't know what to say at all. It was weird..talking to him I mean.

I never had any intentions of getting to know Draco. He was horrible to Harry and quite frankly horrible to me, Ron, and Hermione as well.

But something about him was different. He wasn't the same boy I had known to be a bully at Hogwarts. He was kind, and gentle, but he still had his sarcastic and aggressive attitude. I'm confused, about how I feel.
He's not the same, but it's almost like he is. I'm starting to think it's because I've never known Draco. I mean I barely put in any effort to know why he was so horrible to us, perhaps he's just misunderstood.
But my mind kept going back to when we spoke for the first time, when he brought me my broom.
Even in the dark you could see his cold, but soft eyes.

As I lie awake at night my mind is racing, about him I grow tired, but unable to sleep due to the pain I've got from training. I've barely spoke to him, and I'm sure he doesn't even care.
I'm leading myself on. He's Draco, Draco malfoy, as in the boy who hates all of my dearest friends guts.

I wholeheartedly believe he wants nothing to do with me, I doubt he even knows my last name.
No more wasting my time thinking. I must focus, I didn't come here for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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