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"Hey, Mom?" Renesmee asked, sipping her coffee while sitting on the couch with Bella the next morning before Jacob woke up.


"Do we still have to move?"

Bella sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. And before you freak out on me, let me explain. Plans have changed. We're going to wait until after your wedding. That way Charlie, Billy, Rachel, and everyone down at La Push can come. And so you can get married on the beach like you want. We'll move and get everything set up while you and Jacob are on your honeymoon. It'll all be taken care of by the time you get back."

"And I'll have your very own house set up for you and Jacob," Esme added with a smile.

"So I don't have to help move and I get to go one a honeymoon with that beautiful woman sitting next to you, Bells? Sounds like the perfect plan to me."

Renesmee beamed at Jacob, standing at the bottom of the stairs, jumping up and running to him. Jacob wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in the curve of her neck and never wanting to let her go. He had ached to hold her like this again when he had been stuck in that room. It felt good to stretch his legs. It felt good to hold her.

Renesmee searched his face when they pulled apart so she'd be able to tell the truth. "How do you feel?"

He gave her a lopsided smile. "Better. Good enough, at least, to convince Dr. Fang to let me get up out of bed."

"But what did I tell you to do, Jacob?" Carlisle reminded him as he also came downstairs.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "To take it easy and to let you know if the headaches come back."

Renesmee giggled. He was back. Her sarcastic, ornery, sweet, and wonderful Jacob was back and she was determined to never let him go.

"So where are we moving to, Bells?"

"Livingston, Montana," she said.

Jacob raised an eyebrow and looked down at Renesmee who shrugged.

"It's a small town," Carlisle explained. "It has less than 8,000 people. It's a fourteen hour drive from here, so it's far enough away that we won't risk running into anyone who would recognize us."

"But close enough that you can still see you father and your sister," Esme reassured him.

Jacob smiled in return. "Thanks. I appreciate that."

"And, when you lovebirds get all settled in again after the honeymoon, we'll finally have the Cullen baseball rematch you've all been waiting for," Emmett said, flopping down on the couch.

"Do you promise to accept defeat gracefully this time?" Jasper smirked, following him into the room.

Emmett rolled his eyes. "We didn't lose last time. I would've gotten you out if you hadn't used your powers to slow me down so I couldn't catch your hit."

"I had nothin' to do with that. You're just slow," Jasper said, with a wink at Renesmee. She smirked and shook her head. Jasper loved to bait Emmett, mostly because he always rose to the challenge.

"You're both slow," Edward said, standing with his arm around Bella's waist. "But I know you two well enough to know that that fact won't solve anything. Why don't you both go run the Canadian border and back to see who's faster?"

"Fine by me," Emmett said, slapping his knees and hopping up off the couch. "As long as someone agrees not to use his powers."

Jasper raised one eyebrow. "No need, little brother."

"Babe!" Emmett called. "Come start us off!"

Rosalie sighed, rolling her eyes as she entered the room. "Ready..." she called, opening the back door. "Go!"  She jumped out of the way as the two vampires all but flew past her.

Jacob put his chin on Renesmee's shoulder. "So should we place bets or..."

"No good," she smiled. "Auntie Alice would spoil it."

Jacob laughed. Then, he saw Edward off to the side, nodding toward the stairs. Jacob leaned down, kissed Renesmee's cheek, and whispered, "I'll be right back."

She nodded and watched him disappear up the stairs with her father.

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