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We began walking out of the claret, gilt common room, leaving behind a completely isolated room. We winded through dark, empty corridors. Occasionally, we saw a couple making out on one of the benches, but laughed it off awkwardly. 

We went down to the kitchen, passing the wide, towering door of the Hufflepuff common room. I imagined it was yellow, occasional black objects scattered around it. Plants hung down from the ceiling, making it exotic and perfect with the yellow walls.

Though, I could never be positive about what lay behind the door, that had a cute badger on the centre. A lovely smell could be smelled in the distance. I realised how close the kitchen and the Hufflepuff common room were. When the Hufflepuffs woke up, they must have a wonderful scent surrounding them.

Turning a corner, we were now walking towards the dungeons. I think it was the... Slytherin common room! 

I wondered what it was like in there. Slytherin was the house that didn't clap. It probably had black coloured everything. Black couches, black flooring, black doors, black seats. Maybe there were a few patches of green around, and maybe brown stone, but mostly black. 

I shuddered as we passed the door, painted a jet-black colour, and a green snake with silver scales painted onto it. Harry rolled his eyes, "Don't ever talk to Slytherins. Well, of course not all Slytherins are bad, but some specific people are," he spat. I wondered who, but I didn't bother to ask, because he would probably warn me about them tomorrow.

We walked back up the stairs and passed the Great Hall. We made our way to the Ravenclaw Tower and passed it. I think their common room would be grand, and a beautiful ocean-blue. There was, obviously, a raven painted on the door. 

We then went all the way back down the stairs and walked for awhile, across the other side of the school. We walked up deep, tiring stairs, and eventually we were in a tower. It was large, wide, and the wind whipped vigorously. I didn't like the wind, so I flinched a bit.

From up here, I could see the courtyard, and the Quidditch field. Harry showed me the classrooms in a hurry before we rushed back to the Gryffindor common room. A minute after we arrived back in the common room, curfew happened. Glad I wasn't late, I hugged Harry.

He awkwardly hugged back. I pulled away after a few seconds, feeling like it was uncomfortable and weird since we met a few hours ago. I thanked him for showing me around, before creeping into my common room silently. Luckily, though, they weren't asleep yet. They stared at me and smiled.

I smiled back and changed into comfy clothes, as my pyjamas were too warm for the night. I slid under the covers and the girls did the same. I quickly fell asleep, the comfortable covers warming me. The sheets underneath were soft and silky.

Beams of sun peaked through the cracks of my slightly-opened eyes. Smoky clouds lined the sapphire sky. Although it was early November, it seemed just like a Summer's day. A cold breeze sailed through the wind, hitting me in the face. "Someone shut the window," I groaned, my head now under the covers.

The two girls from the night before raced to close it. The girl with brunette hair beat the blonde to it. I peaked my head out and smiled tiredly at the girls. The brunette girl extended her hand, "I'm Lilianna," she smiled genuinely. I shook her hand slowly. The blonde one copied Lilianna's reactions. I shook her hand quickly, feeling tire yet again. "My name's Alhena, Alhena Malfoy!" she grinned.

My eyes widened in disbelief, "Aren't all Malfoys supposed to be Sltherin?" I asked. Even though I was from France, I had heard about the Malfoys. Their family history, their reputation of always being Slytherin. "We are, family disappointment here!" she joked.  I nodded awkwardly, unsure of what I was meant to reply.

"Lucky for you, it's Saturday, so you're in fact NOT late for classes. Harry is waiting downstairs, he's excited to introduce you!" Hermione chuckled. I sprung out of bed and quickly got changed (outfit is on part cover). I styled my silky jet-black hair into a messy bun, bobby pins holding it down firmly. 

I rushed down the stairs leading to the girls dormitories and into the Gryffindor common room. Harry was standing by the door, biting his nails. I ran over and he lead me out of the room.

A/N: I'm gonna make a part to show the characters appearance/aesthetic

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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