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Dumbledore began speaking. A tri-wizard tournament was happening! And the schools competing were Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Beauxbatons? That means Fleur might be able. But then Dumbledore announced you had to be 17.

That means I can't compete, but Fleur can. Disappointed sighs and 'boos' echoed off of the hall walls. "RUBBISH!" those twins shouted. I chuckled slightly, but then heard the doors open. All heads turned. The girls of Beauxbatons walked in. They all performed a gracious dance down the spaces between tables.

When some of the girls got to where I was sat, they scoffed and pulled disgusted faces. Fleur smiled at me. I turned back and rested my head in my hands. Harry was picking  at his hands, clearly uninterested, Ron looking saddened, Hermione talking to the ginger girl from down the table, and the twins talking to two girls.

Harry looked up and we locked eyes, which we held contact for a further seven seconds. I looked away, regretting turning my head as soon as I did. The Dumstrang boys soon walked in and performed some choreography. Girls fawned over them, but me, I didn't care. They were just as average as the rest of the boys, except... Harry.

Wait, have I known a guy for barely any time and I already like him? I looked back at Harry who was gaping at Cho, whom was gaping at Cedric, who was gaping back at Cho. That was confusing. Harry turned back to the table, and we locked eyes. I didn't look away this time; I wanted to stare into those gorgeous eyes, eyes that looked familiar.

He stared back, deep into my eyes, like he could see inside them. He blushed and looked away, leaving me staring at the side of his raven hair. He liked Cho, but I liked him. I mean, he's happy, then I am. Wait... was I really falling hard for him?

The ginger boy, the puffy-haired girl and Harry turned to me. "I'm Hermione," the girl smiled genuinely. "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley," the ginger boy said, stuffing food into his mouth. The two turned to Harry and looked back at me. "Oh, no, I have already met him. No need for a second introduction," I chuckled.

They nodded. After a few moments Hermione said, "We should be friends!" she suggested. The boys nodded, and after I did. They grinned and began eating, the plates of food scattered down the tables. They kept refilling, having a magic dinner does have it's benefits. 

I stared at the food, and ate very little, as I wasn't that hungry. I turned to the Hufflepuff table, and saw a very gorgeous boy, around my age, staring at me. I smiled and he blushed. His hair was brunette, and in a messy style. His eyes were also blue. He had fair skin and less-than-peach lips.

 He had fair skin and less-than-peach lips

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He stood up, and walked over. He stopped when he was stood in front of me. He sat down on the empty space on the bench next to me. He extended his hand, which I shook gently. "I'm Sam, Sam Walker," he grinned. I smiled back. Hermione turned to me. "I can introduce you, and show you around the school, if you'd like," she suggested.

Harry looked at me, too, "No, it's okay. I can do it Hermione," he replied, rather quickly. Hermione nodded, in a way like she could almost... understand something. I shrugged, and turned back to Sam. He was, somehow, already gone. I frowned, he seemed cool. Harry saw my expression and began a conversation.

"So, Beauxbatons, huh? Why did you get expelled?" he asked. I went deadly silent. Why did I get expelled? My 'best friend', Lilac, killed somebody, but framed me. The school were very protective, and didn't send me straight to Azkaban. They would've, but they knew I hadn't done it.

Though, Lilac was not punished for her actions. I shrugged, "I'd prefer not to say, as I was wrongly punished and expelled." I replied, rather formally. He showed a look of pity, but it was soon replaced by understanding. Maybe the same thing had happened to him, I'm not sure. We were finally dismissed from dinner and I went to find my dorm.

I was delighted to hear I was sharing with Hermione and 2 other girls, who seemed sweet and caring. In fact, much too caring to be in Gryffindor, they would do perfectly in Hufflepuff. I guess only time could tell. 

I began unpacking, making sure everything was neat. "Harry will be in the common room now. He is waiting for you so he can show you around!" Hermione exclaimed. I blushed nervously and nodded. I looked fine, so I walked down to the common room. Harry was sat on the couch, staring at the fire.

The flames danced around, making a peaceful noise, like crackling. The smell was pleasant, relaxing and smelled like a bbq. Red, orange, amber flames illuminated the room, the smoke from the fire floating away into the chimney.

He turned, hearing me enter. He smiled and took my hand. Luckily, it wasn't curfew yet. We had 2 hours to see the school, and tomorrow he was going to introduce me, to his friends, and to his... not so friends.

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