Dear, Fred Weasley×Reader

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                             *the tik tok that made me write it*
Not a smut but this tik tok made me do it. Come here if you want to cry with me.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

----Back up story.
You and Fred are good friends even with his brother.You grew up together , you learnt how to take care of eachother.

Y/N and George always loved to prank Fred because afterwards you will always comfort Fred.

When the War begun the bond between you and him grew stronger.

Y/N and Molly loved to cook and the boys loved the food.

You knock on Fred's door.

"Fred,are you fine?"You ask him,
massaging his shoulders.

"Yes,luv I miss Ron you know...I know he's with Harry and Mione trying to save the world i hope they don't"He sighed.

Y/N kisses his forehead and comforts him.

They ended up falling asleep.

----fast foward-----

"Y/N!Y/N!Come here now we have to be at Hogwarts!Molly shouts ,she grabs your hand and appear to Hogwarts undergrounds. "

How?We are going to die!?"You whisper.

"Silly girl,Harry is here to save us. Go Fred is waiting for you I will wait for Arthur."Molly let go of your hand .

Y/N runs until she sees Fred speaking with George.

Boys!Y/N hugged them almost crying.

"Hello,luv . Bit uh scared don't worry the big  boys are here to protect you."George laughs.

Molly and Arthur comes right behind you and takes you to the Great Hall Door where the remains of Order of Phoenix stands waiting for you.

---Harry talks with Snape----

The door opens.You could see the first year kids ,the slytherins looking confused and angry and Harry smiling at you.

---Professor McGonagall fights with Snape---

---Voldemort uses Sonorus/. Or an extension of a form of Legimancy so his voice is heard by every wizard while he  begs for Potter---

After that Harry leaves,the war BEGINS.

Fred,George and You are over the turret of Hogwarts.

"Are you good,Fred?"George asks.

"I'm fine,George." "How are you,Y/N?"Fred asks.

"Never better,let's Avada Kedrava some Death Eaters."

Suddenly,the protection spells are destroyed it looked almost like they were on fire . You look at George and Fred trying not to cry.

"Hey!"Fred laughs . "Uhm,promise me one thing."

"Yes?"You say.

"After this can you ...I mean will you ...I mean would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?"Fred asks.

"Are yo....Yes Fred I will!"He jumps in your arms and kisses your lips .
God how much you wanted to feel his lips on yours.

The Death Eaters invade the Hogwarts Ground.

The lights from the wands where everywhere.

Y/N k worded or injured many Death Eaters.You were good with spells ,you loved the ones who could hurt like a ..

You run,losing Fred and George on the way,scared You hide until you heard Draco and his Goons coming where you were hiding.

They hadn't saw y/n so you run to the great hall.

You see Ginny almost getting k word by Bellatrix.

Molly jumps in front of her:Not my daughter YOU B*TCH!

She did it , she destroyed Bellatrix ,the most feared Death Eater.

××××Voldemort orders to his servants to
to retire and let us grieve.××××××

Where is Fred?You ask Ginny.

Come...Ginny grabs your hand.

You enter the Great Hall and see someone lying on the floor .

George hugs you and cries in your arms.

Finally you realize what is happening,the memories of you and him are playing in your head .

You lay down next to him,you tears were running down on your face .

You kiss his lips,his forehead and his hands knowing you will never touch him again.

×××time jump××××


It been 19 years since you left this world,leaving me alone and damaged.

I miss you so much every day . You don't even know how hard life is without you .

Your brother and I , well he was the only one who  understood me. We spent many nights crying over you. Laughing at our memories . Somehow we became closer , we married and we had childrens well to be exact TWINS.

They looks so much like his uncle and his father and this year they are going to Hogwarts .
I can't wait to send them howlers.

Oh and we also moved in the Muggle World I wished you were here to see and laugh with me about your brother driving skills.I don't even know how he got his license.

.... i miss you,Fred Weasley

                                            Yours Truly,Y/N

×××××Mischief Managed ××××××××

a/n I know that the actions are not happening in this way in the movie but it was too long for me to wrote me the whole thing so I cut it short.

×××not a smut sorry but the chapters are coming next weekend and I'm feeling in the mood for some crying++++
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Luv u and take care,C*Rona is dangerous.

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