♡ Chapter 7 ♡

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Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't updated heres a Short Update for now! 🎀

Alex to the Side >>>>

Alex's POV

I am In third period right now, but my mind was somewhere else. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to get matt off my mind. I know I shouldn't be having these feelings for him but, it just sorta happened and stayed that way I guess.

But the other part of my mind was still lurking on the soft spot I had for Shawn. I care about him I really do. But what he did to me all those years, the name calling, the lies, and the rumors. it was all pretty unforgivable.

Part of me wanted to be ask to spring fling by Matt the Other part wanted Shawn.

My thoughts were interrupted by the 4th period bell. I got up, not ready to face this period at all. This was one of the only classes I had with Shawn, and Matt together.

I walked into Mrs.Jarvis's room taking a seat beside a grinning Matt. "Hey beautiful, miss me?" I laughed "Yeah. I think I did miss you Matt." I replied cheekily. Everyone in the classroom was talking loudly not really paying any attention to the teacher. But as soon as he walked in it got quiet.

Very quiet...

Shawn's eyes scanned the room until his met mine causing me to look at my feet and shift uncomfortably in my chair. He sighed, then slowly walked to the empty seat beside me.

A few awkward minutes passed after Shawn finally spoke "So, uh. I-I wanted to ask you something." . I didn't reply signaling for him to go on. "Well you see. Uh-h spring fling is next week and all. I just wanted to know if. Um. you wanted to- Never mind." He sighed turning in his seat, I grabbed his arm making him turn back around to face me. "Shawn just ask me. What's the worst that could happen?" He scoffed, but continued anyways. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to Spring fling with me."

Well it wasn't one of the cutest ways ask a girl to Spring fling but I was going to give him a chance even he's already had so many chances before. " Maybe." I said At the exact moment the bell rang.

I got up and walked out the door my fourth period class heading to fifth period, lunch. Today During lunch was different I sat with Matt today normally I would sit by myself. I was happy to have someone to call a friend.

The rest of school was pretty boring it was the same, being ignored, shadowed to the rest, but yet my mind still traveled away. it had traveled back to the thought of Matt. What it would be like to go to Spring fling with him, not shawn. Would I like it better? Would it be different? Better yet would Matt even ask? Did he like me that way? With him and Shawn get in a fight?

All these questions jumbled in my head. Yet to be answered.

But I figured Id just sleep on it. So I did. I closed my eyes and I slept, a long deserved sleep.

Shawn's Pov
I Did it I asked her. She didn't Give me the answer I wanted but I asked her. Hey! That's a step up right? Well if you ask me it is. But what happens if Matt asks her to the dance. Man I i love Matt and all but he need to pick different girls, he did this to me last year as well.

<><> FlashBack <><>
*•*•* Last Year *•*•*

This was it, the year I get me girl.

Her name was Sophie. Shes one of the prettiest girls I've ever met. She makes me so happy. And tonight I'm planning on asking her to be my girlfriend officially. The only people who know about me asking her are Matt and Nash. I can trust them, they're my best friends. So I thought.

On the way home I used to stop at Matts and hang out. today seemed a little different. I had this odd feeling about going there today. I ignored it though. I walked happily through Matts yard approaching the front door. Since me and Matt were so close I could just walk in, so i did.

I walked in no one was in the living room so I figured Matt was probably in his room. But when I walked in I saw the heart breaking image of Sophie straddling Matt while they made out. When I opened the door both of them turned around. Matts eyes widening. "Shawn it's not what it looks like." Sophie tried explaining. I nodded. walking out of the house to my own. I have never talked to Sophie or Matt since.

It was painful for me.

Matt's Pov
I'm going to ask Alex.

Not that long But hey! I updated. I don't like this book that much i
Might be starting something new? It's about Depression, and suicide. Its going to be called; "I'm Okay" Anyways Should I change Alex's Character ? More Updates soon. Ily! 💕🍕

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