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Klaus PoV
We have been in the rode for some time now and I could tell Alex was getting bored man did I mention she a comely a night owl " you do know I won't kill in your sleep" I told her quietly so I didn't wake up Stefan " it the wolf she doesn't trust you so I don't trust" she told me emotionally " what do you mean, trust your wolf" I said in confusion " I boned with my wolf I treat her like I would
a real person, you won't know what like so stop asking questions until you know more about being a wolf" she said but I could tell she regret " oh I didn't mean it like-" " I know what you mean Alex"

After a while I pulled up to a hotel I got to room cause I wasn't let Alex out of my sit. She finally fell a sleep as I picked her up " why did she fall a sleep when she was in your arms" Stefan ask " Every werewolf need an alpha even her and her wolf knew she need sleep so it told her to inhaled my sent and it put her to sleep, why do you ask" I finished " Her wolf and her are not one for alphas let alone men so it just..." " k in my dear brother explain it I just need to find out why" I said looking at Stefan if he new anything as he picked up bags from the car "Don't look at me she a lone wolf she doesn't trust anyone"

I put her on the bed I jumped in to the shower and put on some trousers that will be comfortable to sleep in. I put her under the covers and I laid net to her but something in side of me want to protect her from everything so I put my arm around her and pulled her in to me and I was shocked when she culled into me " I'm only letting you-"" hold you" I cut her off knowing she didn't want to say it " yeah that, but I'm only letting you 'hold me' because I'm really tried and one you were the one who pulled me into you" she said and shut her eyes and culled back into me.

The next morning I walk up and reliside I was holding some think and I saw Alex culled in to my side with one arm around my waist with both my around hers. I knew she won't be up for a while because she not getting that much of sleep so  I took that time to adamire her beauty. Then I noticed I haven't ask her a few questions that I want to. I will ask when she wake up.

Alex PoV
I wake up felling arms around me and the memory from last night came to mind my he get on my never's and I thought Damon was bad. I try to get out of his hold but it only tinting telling me he was a wake " let me go" I said and Nicky and I possibly could to the hybrid
" Now why would I do that when I'm quit conftable the way I am" I was not in the mood for his silly games " ok if I let you go and you can get ready you have to answer some questions for me" he said man this guy " why do you want to know some much about me" I ask honestly curious. " Why won't I want to k ow about the queen of wolfs" I huff I still want to know how he new that about me " Fine but I may to know how you know I'm the queen of wolfs" he nodded his head and let me go so I could get ready  for the day.

I jumped into a quick shower and put some  travel clothes on

Then I walk out to see klaus going through one of my drawing books

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Then I walk out to see klaus going through one of my drawing books. " What are you doing" I ask not very happy he went through my stuff" Your amazing artist" He said back " Well to bad for you I don't show my art to other people or nosey Hybrid" I said taking the book from him 

Klaus PoV
She took the book from me but it was her so I couldn't blame her but. " One know what was my favourite" I said getting and pulling her to me" No" She said pushing me a way but I took the art book back and start walking with it and then I noticed she drew Elijah " You drew my brother" I said trying to hide the jealous that she use him as a muse " Yes I did" she said not really caring she drew my brother she said still trying to stop me from going through her book " to be honest I don't know why you  keep your drawing to your self there really amazing " I said still trying to dined my favourite one then I found it " I have my own reason I don't she people or you my stuff so stop looking in them now" she said " I'll fine other then reason right now I want to show you my favourite" I said siting her down and siting down next to her and giving book back on one of her drawings

 " One know what was my favourite" I said getting and pulling her to me" No" She said pushing me a way but I took the art book back and start walking with it and then I noticed she drew Elijah " You drew my brother" I said trying to hide the jealo...

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She was definitely speechless when I showed her this one " why are you so speechless at your own work"
I ask she closed the book " we're did you get the inspiration from" I ask " what with all the questions" she said putting the book a way " well if I'm remember we had a deal" " I got it from a name when I was visiting mystic falls when I was a kid" she said put her stuff a way from the bath room " were did you her the name from" I ask her helping her make the bed " In a cave under the town next to the Lockwood cellar" " Viking it was a story but the was a bunch of names and one caught my eye I was only 5 at the time-" I cut her off " you were five years old when you drew that." She nodded her hers not see the point " i we done with questions" I shock my head saying no.

Sorry if there any mistakes I wrote this really late lass night
Hope you like it don't for getting to vote
Thank you

- Ruby

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